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Nurses... Letter of Verification from NMC to ANMAC... Covering letter required?


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Can anyone help?


I'm ringing NMC today for them to send a letter of verification of registration directly to ANMAC today. I assume they deal with this request all the time, but with assumptions being the mother of all mess ups, I just wondered if you need to ask for a covering letter to go as well?





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If you go on the NMC website there is a request page for verifications, they send you a letter, think you pay about £30, send back to them and they forward to ANMAC. You will need one for AHPRA too...

ANMAC were quite fast at processing the application and as you are allocated someone you can easily correspond with them.

AHPRA seem to take a bit longer esp now as they have changed the assessment process...


Good luck with it all



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Ok Great,


I was going to do it tomorrow, as my 7wk old baby had other ideas, I never got to the phone. Glad I came back on to see this, so much easier doing things on line. I know I need my APHRA to work in Australia, but it's not something I need to apply for now is it? but is it better to do sooner rather than later if it can take a while?


Just wanted to get my head round IELTS, Skills assessments and Visa applications before embarking on the next task!

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AHPRA is your registration. There are people who have applied in October 2013 still not processed because of the rule change and they are now not accepting diploma level registration it seems, but you have to have a degree.

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Well that may throw a slight spanner in the works, as I am diploma qualified!


Never mind there's ways round these things, I am meant to complete my degree once I have returned from maternity leave anyway. Also we only looked at me being the main applicant because we knew my skills were on the SOL. But there's a chance my husband could also be a main applicant instead.


So more research it is! Thanks for the heads up

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Well that may throw a slight spanner in the works, as I am diploma qualified!


Never mind there's ways round these things, I am meant to complete my degree once I have returned from maternity leave anyway. Also we only looked at me being the main applicant because we knew my skills were on the SOL. But there's a chance my husband could also be a main applicant instead.






I am Diploma qualified from 2004, have done further study at level 3 but dont have a degree. ANMAC assessed my skills as the equivalent of an Australian degree and was granted an Independent skilled 189 Visa, that my partner also got through me. Im still waiting on AHPRA registration only applied in February, and after they requested some info from the University they confirmed in June that they had the information they need so now Im just waiting. Worst case I may have to do a bridging programme. On the AHPRA site it does say you can appeal the initial decision. Nursing experience has to count for something surely I left a very good Sisters post in the UK, all I can do is wait!!

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I'm the same at the moment I have 8 years experience and have worked in areas such as ITU. And am currently a sister in Tissue viability. I'm sure that shows I have the skills at least. I was hoping like you the skills assessment would allow me a visa at least, I was then going to get work as an HCA, and also do the bridging programme once out there. But I couldn't find if this was feasible. Are you already in Australia or have you got your visa at least? As if the answer to either of those is yes it sounds like my plan is possible

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My Visa was granted November 2013 and I moved here 6 weeks ago.

I was granted registration a few years ago by AHPRA but then never came to activate it and now they have changed their assessment guidelines. I know other Nurses still waiting so I will deal with the outcome as it happens.

Im currently waiting on a reference check from an agency to be able to work as a Nursing assistant, that in itself will be strange but a good way to experience work in the different hospitals. your plan is definitely possible


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Great thank you miss rose that's definitely reassuring to hear. I quite like the prospect of being a nursing assistant again. I don't know what it's like in oz, but in the UK as a nurse, you're so bogged down under paperwork and other pressures, such as under staffing etc you miss patient contact. Do you find that too?

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Great thank you miss rose that's definitely reassuring to hear. I quite like the prospect of being a nursing assistant again. I don't know what it's like in oz, but in the UK as a nurse, you're so bogged down under paperwork and other pressures, such as under staffing etc you miss patient contact. Do you find that too?




ive been told as a nurse here there is much less pressure as the staff to patient ratio is soooo much lower. like 3 or 4 compared to 10 or 12 in the Uk!!

Its just the waiting now is frustrating as just want to start working. I thought I would have a month off but now its 6 weeks and keen to move on...




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I have two friends one I Perth and one in Brisbane both love it. The one in Brisbane said there's a team for everything, and basically a nurse gets to do what they trained to do... Be a nurse! I don't know about Perth, but she said in Brisbane you get tax relief for being a nurse and she gets given $400 (I think) a month to buy learning material or go on a course to improve their knowledge. It's not checked though so sometimes she just spends it on a weekend away with her husband!!


I nearly passed out when she said that!


Claire xx

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Well that may throw a slight spanner in the works, as I am diploma qualified!


Never mind there's ways round these things, I am meant to complete my degree once I have returned from maternity leave anyway. Also we only looked at me being the main applicant because we knew my skills were on the SOL. But there's a chance my husband could also be a main applicant instead.






I am Diploma qualified from 2004, have done further study at level 3 but dont have a degree. ANMAC assessed my skills as the equivalent of an Australian degree and was granted an Independent skilled 189 Visa, that my partner also got through me. Im still waiting on AHPRA registration only applied in February, and after they requested some info from the University they confirmed in June that they had the information they need so now Im just waiting. Worst case I may have to do a bridging programme. On the AHPRA site it does say you can appeal the initial decision. Nursing experience has to count for something surely I left a very good Sisters post in the UK, all I can do is wait!!


I hate to burst your bubble, but

1) some diploma nurses have been outright refused, and not offered bridging programme.

2) experience counts for NOTHING with AHPRA, it's all about your initial qualification.

Check the AHPRA threads on PIO.

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hi all;


i am currently in the same position, got ielts next week. and have started to gather information for the skills assessment. i emailed nmc and heard nothing back so rang and the man i spoke to was so rude and totally confused me so rang back. i now have the form to fill out for the verification to be sent to anmac. i chose to not go with an agent and do it all myself, so far so good however i am finding it difficult knowing what needs doing and when !!


ps this is news to me about the diploma (which i have), where can i find out for sure if they are accepted or not. totally put a spanner in the works !!




claire x

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I hate to burst your bubble, but

1) some diploma nurses have been outright refused, and not offered bridging programme.

2) experience counts for NOTHING with AHPRA, it's all about your initial qualification.

Check the AHPRA threads on PIO.


No worries bubble still in tact, I have options, so still going ahead with the visa application, it's a slight blip but not a complete take out.


Claire the address is GPO BOX 400, Canberra City ACT 2601 Australia.


That's the one I put unless anyone can tell us different.


Claire x

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The tax relief is called salary packaging or sacrifice and is available in WA too - you pay a company to manage this. Regarding the money she gets for courses etc., tell her to be very careful. Here in WA you can also salary package entertainment, you used to have to submit receipts - some people used to copy and put receipts in so e.g. two people claimed for a meal. Eventually this practise got investigated by the Triple C (Corruption and Crime Commission) and people lost their jobs and got prosecuted ... I'm sure everyone thought they wouldn't get caught or that it was inconsequential just putting in a couple of fraudulent receipts ... but the practise was widespread and people got found out and paid the price

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No worries bubble still in tact, I have options, so still going ahead with the visa application, it's a slight blip but not a complete take out.


Claire the address is GPO BOX 400, Canberra City ACT 2601 Australia.


That's the one I put unless anyone can tell us different.


Claire x


That's good!

I just don't want anyone going in blind, and I wish 'I knew then, what I know now!! We won't let AHPRA spoil our dream either, we have PR visas, and will be moving over in November, if I have to be a dog walker, so be it, but such a sad waste of experience for so many nurses!

You go girl!!

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I looked on their website and it defiently says if you have diploma (which is classed as level 6) then can possibly do a bridging program. However I am now thinking I am going to somehow have to squeeze in doing a degree top up. Maybe we won't be moving as quick as we thought !! How come agents never mentioned this, all the ones I spoke to said a diploma is equivalent, or is this a new thing.

Claire x

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Level 5 oh that's even worse!! I am applying to do the degree in jan so hopefully that will improve my chances !! This is actually quite stressful, never thought would be easy but this is something else and I am only at the beginning of it all !! I looked at the 8 criteria for aphra and the information they require looks like it is going to be difficult to get!!

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That's good!

I just don't want anyone going in blind, and I wish 'I knew then, what I know now!! We won't let AHPRA spoil our dream either, we have PR visas, and will be moving over in November, if I have to be a dog walker, so be it, but such a sad waste of experience for so many nurses!

You go girl!!



I appreciate that thank you. I do feel for all the nurses who have been granted a visa to only find this out now. It was another poster that made me aware of the situation, which I am glad of, but I am of the mind set of you if I have to do something else I will, but one way or another we will go.


I have looked into Nursing assistant jobs, it may seem like a step back, but i'm willing to do it and see if it leads me to being a nurse again, if not then there's other opportunities. I watched wanted down under re visited yesterday, the main applicant was a butcher, was given a job as a butcher and quickly made it to manager, but found he was in the same situation as the UK, with working long hours and not seeing family.


So he jacked it all in moved to the outback and re trained as a policeman!! I think it just shows if you're willing to give it all you can make it work, even if it wasn't the original path you planned to take xx

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So to clarify ..... We can still go ahead with the skills assessment, eoi and hopefully apply for a visa and do all of that without actually having been accepted by aphra. I have booked ielts and begun gathering info so hoping to just carry on what I am doing and worry about aphra later! Does this make sense! Looks like I am going to do the top up to a degree and hope this enough.

Is there any one else who is at the same stage as me would be great to hear from u xx

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So to clarify ..... We can still go ahead with the skills assessment, eoi and hopefully apply for a visa and do all of that without actually having been accepted by aphra. I have booked ielts and begun gathering info so hoping to just carry on what I am doing and worry about aphra later! Does this make sense! Looks like I am going to do the top up to a degree and hope this enough.

Is there any one else who is at the same stage as me would be great to hear from u xx


from on what I can work out Claire yes. As there are nurses who were accepted by ANMAC and passed their skills assessment to get to Oz then once over there applied to AHPRA, But then got declined.


we are still going ahead with the skills assessment before ANMAC catch on and start declining diploma nurses too. Then my husband is looking to be the main earner, and I'm going to do nursing assistant jobs until I have the qualifications to be a nurse again x

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