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Watch UK football in perth?


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Nightmare! You would think they would stay open but I suppose it's not as big of a deal over there than it is here, I'm not really into cricket or rugby but I'm sure it will be one of those thing you just start getting into hey!


The only English footy you are going to watch on Foxtel is what is on Eurosport channel & that is not very much, you will be hard pressed to find a Aussie pub that will be showing UK footy, it's all about Aussie rules footy here, unless it's a British pub, and there is not many of those around, they are not very keen on ' Sports Bars' over here, unless it's a pub with a TAB, then it's all about the dogs & gigi's

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I thought that could be the case, I've visited loads of country's on holiday and they are all into the premier league but I didn't think the Aussies would be into the UK football, Aussie rules footy it is then ha!


Dont get me wrong, there are British pubs around, especially here in joondalup & in the city, but it's not a case of going round your local to watch it, unless you specifically bought a house near one of these pubs :biglaugh:

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The more we look in to Joondalup the more it seems to make sense, we were also looking south of the river at Mandurah but once we are there we will have to have a better look, my OH has family in Freemantle is it far to travel from we're you are to Freo?

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The cost of Foxtel, just for the sport is $74 per month. They show 98% of all the premier league games live. If you want to watch real football, you have to subscribe to Setanta Sports, which is an extra $20 per month and they show live Championship, League 1 and League 2 games. They also have a weekly highlights show for the football league. Additionally, they have more live football than Fox Sports.


An increasing number of pubs are showing live games, especially the lunch time kick offs. Murphy's in Mandurah do, although they have the sound off, so you just watch pictures. The casino has a sports bar which shows nearly all games in the night time.


The best bit about the start and finish of the season is there is only 7 hours time difference, so you can watch a 3pm kick off at 10pm and be in bed by midnight, otherwise, during the main part of the season, kick off is at 11pm.

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We have a Irish pub here in mandurah that shows a lot of premiership. Oh, and I am 25 meters to the beach. Murphys Irish pub in mandurah is opposite the foreshore. Youncan sit outside opposite the water while watching the game - the front of the pub is all open. They also had a special license to stay open all night for the world cup as most games were early hours of the morning here - between 3-5am

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The more we look in to Joondalup the more it seems to make sense, we were also looking south of the river at Mandurah but once we are there we will have to have a better look, my OH has family in Freemantle is it far to travel from we're you are to Freo?


Its about the same either way, Joondalup to Freo is about 50k & Mandurah to Freo is about 50km, coming from joondalup though you have to go via a bridge over the river so it's a bit of a detour on the freeway or you take the coast road which is more direct but slower going, but better scenery than the Kwinana freeway which just seems to go on forever from Mandurah.


Satanta sports, that's right, you have to subscribe extra to it on Foxtel, it doesn't even show up on my Foxtel box channel guide.

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The times of footy games is really annoying! We pay $145 a month for foxtel, Kids TV, this includes internet (100GB), and landline with cheap International calls. I cannot for the life of me get into Aussie Rules football. Someone once described it as being like throwing chips on the beach and watching seaguls fight for them! All the ozzies i work with hate 'soccer' as they think its full of panzies diving and faking injury. I tell them AFL is just a derivative of British Bulldog created by institutions like prison/military, with a hint of Rugby, which was created by a bloke who couldn't play football. They don't like that for some reason!!

Saturday afternoon in the pub watching the game just doesnt happen, its now sitting on sofa with the TV turned down low, a few cans of beer while the kids and wife are in bed! Should you want to watch a live game, well Perth Glory would be similar to watching the pub teams on a sunday morning.

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The times of footy games is really annoying! We pay $145 a month for foxtel, Kids TV, this includes internet (100GB), and landline with cheap International calls. I cannot for the life of me get into Aussie Rules football. Someone once described it as being like throwing chips on the beach and watching seaguls fight for them! All the ozzies i work with hate 'soccer' as they think its full of panzies diving and faking injury. I tell them AFL is just a derivative of British Bulldog created by institutions like prison/military, with a hint of Rugby, which was created by a bloke who couldn't play football. They don't like that for some reason!!

Saturday afternoon in the pub watching the game just doesnt happen, its now sitting on sofa with the TV turned down low, a few cans of beer while the kids and wife are in bed! Should you want to watch a live game, well Perth Glory would be similar to watching the pub teams on a sunday morning.



Sounds like you need a man cave down the bottom of the garden :biglaugh:, and you're right about AFL, it reminds me of a bunch of guys with a rugby ball trying to decide what to do with it, soccer or rugby, the must have had oval exercise yards in the prisons in the old days, and what's with the fist punt thing, it's a bit gay isn't it. :biglaugh:

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AFL or Gay F L as I call it is pathetic! Yes the guys are fit, but the rules wtf? Are there any??? Like others said is a mongrel mix of rugby and some prison sports!!! A lot of the afl players behave like prison inmates on and off the field! Lmao!

Edited by abc
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I think I would rather watch Perth glory than AFL as I think I would be retired before I knew what was going on ha! Saying that though I would rather watch AFL then be put to sleep watching cricket!


You better catch up on your cricket and Rugby, next to AFL it's huge here in Aus, and boy do you get it in the neck at work when the bloody Aussies win :arghh:

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I bet they are ha! I can honestly say I'll never take to cricket it's so long winded and boring and for the worst trophy in sport!! I would put it in the same bracket as crown green bowling and snail racing! I could probably get into rugby though been to a few games here and some of the tackles are worth watching!

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