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Any music festivals in perth


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Hi guys bit of a random post and obviously I am only hoping to come over next year but I am an avid festival goer as is my partner .. We have been to vfest, cream fields many years on the run and also attend many concerts .. Obviously we know about future music festival that's travels around austrailia but are there anymore ? I've tried googling it but It doesn't come up with anything.. Or are there anymore music festivals like future that are big in austrailia not just perth as we would travel xxx

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There's the Blues and Roots festival here in Freo.

Fairbridge is supposed to be very good but we've not been.

Nannup Music Festival

Splendour is a big one


and we're off to Woodford this/next year which we're really looking forward to.


Freo has a big music scene and during summer there are loads of free gigs as well as some pretty big names playing in the Esplanade park. They do take a little bit of work to uncover so I'm not surprised you haven't found much online but hopefully these will give you something to go on.

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If you like your dance music then there is Stereosonic too - it's on 29 & 30 November at the Claremont Showground. We went last year and enjoyed it (dance music isn't my thing but my wife loves it) but be warned it was full of pissed up youngsters and muscle heads!!

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