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It's hit me now, it's crept up fast!


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So, after starting the process just over a year ago, my husband finally leaves for Perth next Saturday, with me to follow in October. I have been counting down the days until we move, now it's becoming real I am starting to feel more and more emotional. As yet, I haven't cried once! I don't know if I should go through the grieving process and let it out or keep up the poker face, keep my head down and power through ! I am worried that I will keep pushing things out of my mind and then have a major meltdown later on. My main things at the moment are how I am going to cope without hubby for two months, he's my rock and gets me through my 'oh my god what are we doing' days, how I am going to adjust living back at my parents for two months, saying goodbye to our beautiful home we have renovated, missing the lovely village I live in, and moving out of the home we had our beloved Scooby Doo who should have been coming on this adventure with us.

so far i have been strong with regards to my feelings on missing family, in that I have not dwelled on it at all, but I don't know how long that will last, I am dreading having to say my goodbyes and get on a plane on my own in October!

So my post is really me letting out some worries and emotions, to help myself and maybe to help others in a similar situation, and to see if anyone has any advice on whether I should let the tears flow or keep calm and carry on!


Thanks everyone as always.

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Let them flow now, no shame in that, if you didn't have emotion you wouldn't be human. Its a big move and cornerstone in your life, to shrug it off without a wobble is unatural ( should that be 2 n's, it doesn't look right!). I can say, there will be probably more when you are here, but hopefully meeting up with your other half again, they will be happy ones!

Enjoy the ride!

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We are leaving in October too and funny enough are getting rid of our house next week and are spending two months living between my parents and my in-laws ;-) I do have the support of my husband over this period as we are flying out together as we have two little ones in tow. I know what it's like not to have him there though as we spent a year living apart when I was in America so I know how overwhelming it can be without your other half with you. Make sure you skype him lots and I agree with having tissues on hand and lots of aussie wine! 2 months will fly by! Good luck :-)

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Yes it is going to be hard and the tears will flow (you have to let the tears flow, I don't think any good will come of trying to bottle it in) but on the plus side, when you get on that plane on your own, half of you is going to be soooooo excited about seeing your other half again, that you might not have the worries the rest of us have on that plane, the whole time you are going to be thinking about him and once you land with him waiting for you at the airport, you will most probably be so excited you could burst, so try and keep that as a big positive, when you are saying goodbye to everyone and everything. As silly as it sounds it is hard to say goodbye to the house and stuff. Good luck with the next few months.

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So as my husband flies out this Saturday, this week has been a week of goodbyes, or as we like to say, see you soon. Tonight was the absolute worst, saying goodbye to my family, who are very close to my husband. It started with a very touching loom bracelet made by my 7 year old nephew in sheffield wednesday colours and ended up with a very awkward and sad bye with my mum and dad. When it is my turn in October it is going to be unbearable! :(

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So my hubby flew off today, and it has been a pretty awful day. Really upset, very emotional and very stressful (He was 4 kg over on his luggage allowance, so the friendly check in staff made him go the back of the queue, unpack some items and rejoin the queue!) So I have had to bring some clothes home and will post them out for him this week. Then the flight was delayed meaning his connecting flight was very tight so I was sat refreshing the flight tracker online with nerves all over the place.

I went back to our home and finished the cleaning, ready for the tenants moving in, and found it very sad, being there on my own, in an empty house, cleaning all the beautiful wooden floors and beams that he has so lovingly fitted over the years.

Sorry for the outpouring of emotion!

Looking forward to some sleep (if I can) and hopefully a Skype chat in the morning once he has settled into our friends.

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Oh Raychelsb, hope you get to Skype with your hubby in the morning and I'm sure a bit of sleep will help you feel a bit better about everything! We waved off our container yesterday after an emotional and stressful couple of days packing and sorting.... hope we get to meet next month and you are feeling a bit more settled by then. :smile:

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So my hubby flew off today, and it has been a pretty awful day. Really upset, very emotional and very stressful (He was 4 kg over on his luggage allowance, so the friendly check in staff made him go the back of the queue, unpack some items and rejoin the queue!) So I have had to bring some clothes home and will post them out for him this week. Then the flight was delayed meaning his connecting flight was very tight so I was sat refreshing the flight tracker online with nerves all over the place.

I went back to our home and finished the cleaning, ready for the tenants moving in, and found it very sad, being there on my own, in an empty house, cleaning all the beautiful wooden floors and beams that he has so lovingly fitted over the years.

Sorry for the outpouring of emotion!

Looking forward to some sleep (if I can) and hopefully a Skype chat in the morning once he has settled into our friends.


Its good he has friends to stay with it will help a lot.My OH was going to go ahead but as we did not know any one in Australia we thought it was not a good idea. Time will fly and it won't be long before you are together again.

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