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Private school fees for children of student (573) visa holders

Lisa VCH

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Will try not to be too confusing...



I understand that if I go over on a student visa I will have to pay fees for my kids in government schools ($36k for all of them!)


But if they go to private school, will they pay the standard fees, or will they have to pay the same as a child going over as a student themselves (perhaps with a parent who will


not be allowed to work). This is generally twice the normal fee.



Please advise if you can, thanks so much.

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Thanks everyone, for any others that are interested, here's what I found out:


Government schools will charge these extortionate fees for children of undergradute students, but nothing for postgraduate students.


Private schools are entitled to charge double their usual fee but often choose to charge just the normal fee.


457 visa holders have to pay 4k.



Edited by Lisa VCH
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