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Driving Licence


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I did search but found lots of conflicting info.


Where do we need to go to change our UK one to a Aus one?

How much does it cost?

What do we need to take with us?


I was advised by a friend who emigrated 7 years ago to do that first as it makes it a lot easier to get other things because with that and your passport your pretty much ID'd up.



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Depending on your visa type you don't have to do it, but its a nice thing to have for ID purposes. If i remember correct its about $200 you will need passport, both parts of driving licence (uk), bank card, proof of address and your best lippy on for photo. Its easy, you get a receipt from them which acts as a temporary licence and new one comes in post about 1-2 weeks later.

There is a place in Rockingham, but i'm sure there are places all over perth should you not want to venture that far saarf!

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When we did it, we needed 100 points for ID and this included our Medicare Card, a bank statement showing our address, obviously our UK driving licences and as Plimthing said both parts, I think we also waited for confirmation of our TFN number to help us get the 100 points, there is a list on the Perth website http://www.transport.wa.gov.au. It is no good turning up without the 100 points needed other wise you will sit there for ages and then be sent home. Also as my husband is on blood pressure tablets, we had to go to the licensing centre, fill in all the forms etc, and then he had to take a form that they had given to him to be completed by a doctor to say that he was fit to drive, and then go back and complete the new license details. I already knew this would happen as someone had mentioned it previously on here, which is why I'm mentioning it, as I think if I had not already known, I would have stressed out over that bit. You also get to chose if you want a 2yr or 5yr licence.

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Thanks for the replies. That will sort out what im doing then. I was looking to go there first and sort that out, then Medicard, TFN etc. But looks like that wont work. We have a bank account, but using our friends address for the time being, which may be a little bit of a pain when we arrive as we won't have an address until we sort out our rental.

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I was just in the driving license centre in Joondalup yesterday trying to do mine, I had a medicare card, lease as proof of address, passport, driving license, bank card, marriage certificate(passport still in maiden name and uk license in married) and they wouldn't do it as I have 2 middle names but my passport only shows one of them so I have to take my birth certificate in now as well...talk about pain in the ~rse!

sorry rant over, you shouldn't have those problems, its just my confusing name situation.

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We just used our short term rental address for the bank account and medicare, then once you move into your long term rental you just update those details, I'm sure your friends won't mind you using their address for just a couple of weeks. At least you will be with friends when you first get here, so you will have a friendly face.

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I was just in the driving license centre in Joondalup yesterday trying to do mine, I had a medicare card, lease as proof of address, passport, driving license, bank card, marriage certificate(passport still in maiden name and uk license in married) and they wouldn't do it as I have 2 middle names but my passport only shows one of them so I have to take my birth certificate in now as well...talk about pain in the ~rse!

sorry rant over, you shouldn't have those problems, its just my confusing name situation.


We had a similar issue when I took my wife to Australia the first time. Before we got married, she had a double barreled surname with a hyphen. Booking the flight and visa wouldn't let me put in the hyphen. Rang up and was told it was fine and not to worry. Got to Perth after 30 odd hours of travelling at at 1am being told that her visa wasn't valid....

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Go for the 5 year it's cheaper

you will do an eye test at the counter

if you have 7.5 tonne truck on your UK licence that was automatically included when you passed your test it won't be on your WA licence, if you need or want it you will have to take a test

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Oh God, I have a double barrell with a hyphen!! What happened with your wife?! I'm worried now....


We had a similar issue when I took my wife to Australia the first time. Before we got married, she had a double barreled surname with a hyphen. Booking the flight and visa wouldn't let me put in the hyphen. Rang up and was told it was fine and not to worry. Got to Perth after 30 odd hours of travelling at at 1am being told that her visa wasn't valid....
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Geeezo so many hoops to jump through, they don't make emigration easy even when you arrive.


Can you apply for a TFN before you arrive? We are staying with friends for a few months so I wondered if I could sort out things before we leave just using their address?

TFN can only be applied for once you are IN Australia, despite being able to do it online.

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Geeezo so many hoops to jump through, they don't make emigration easy even when you arrive.


Can you apply for a TFN before you arrive? We are staying with friends for a few months so I wondered if I could sort out things before we leave just using their address?


No, TFN must be applied for when you're actually in Australia - https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Permanent-migrants-or-temporary-visitors---online-TFN-application/


Even if it were possible to apply while offshore, it wouldn't be recommended as in the eyes of the ATO, you'd probably be deemed to be establishing yourself as Australian Resident for Taxation purposes from that point onwards.

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