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what do you do for a living?


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i am full time mum to lauren and lucy, before having my girls I worked in shipping doing exports to Israel and the far east, and imports from the far east and Australia.


ive also worked as a healthcare assistant in hospital, which I loved and would probably get back into once lauren is more independent at school with her diabetes.


scott fixes trucks and has class 1 licence.

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  verystormy said:
Then your wife will be the main applicant.


Ah slight snag with this being she has less than required work experience in last 10 years to be applicant - would have been far more straightforward otherwise....(We have 5 Children so she's been busy raising these in last 10 years..).

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I have been legal secretary, personal assistant, special needs reverse intergration specialist, Social Services childminder,Special Educational needs Parent Partnership office, Education Welfare Officer, Raised 3 children whilst doing all that, then opened my own beauty business BEFORE i went to college to retrain in my 30's as a beauty therapist, body piercer etc, then in my 40's decided to add hairdresser to the mix!!! Ran own business with 9 staff then sold as I moved here in March this year, and now I assistant manage a beauty and piercing salon three days of the week. :jiggy:and have NO PAPERWORK once I leave work Yah!!!

OH is an electrician but specialises in commercial bakery and catering maintenance and repairs.

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  BuntyStoops said:
Walkabout - are you in Oz now doing community development? I am a youth/community development worker as well, been keeping an eye out for jobs in Perth as coming over in November.


OH is a diesel mechanic.


Hi Bunty, yes in Perth now doing Community Development, there are jobs around out here. Any questions feel free to message me!

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I am currently an Executive Assistant to 3 directors and have had various PA / Admin roles since leaving school many, many years ago. I also had a few years as a bookkeeper and office manager but found I really like PA work and juggling a very busy and varied workload. Love doing diary management and travel and seeing just how busy I can keep my bosses (a bit like playing Tetris - shows my age!).


OH is a Fitter & Turner (Mechanical/Maintenance) and also a talented DIY'er - and can turn his hand to carpentry, tiling, plumbing and electrics - but has an intense dislike for painting (so I get that job!).

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  no1mum said:
I have been legal secretary, personal assistant, special needs reverse intergration specialist, Social Services childminder,Special Educational needs Parent Partnership office, Education Welfare Officer, Raised 3 children whilst doing all that, then opened my own beauty business BEFORE i went to college to retrain in my 30's as a beauty therapist, body piercer etc, then in my 40's decided to add hairdresser to the mix!!! Ran own business with 9 staff then sold as I moved here in March this year, and now I assistant manage a beauty and piercing salon three days of the week. :jiggy:and have NO PAPERWORK once I leave work Yah!!!

OH is an electrician but specialises in commercial bakery and catering maintenance and repairs.

I feel exhausted just reading that :cute:

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  no1mum said:
I have been legal secretary, personal assistant, special needs reverse intergration specialist, Social Services childminder,Special Educational needs Parent Partnership office, Education Welfare Officer, Raised 3 children whilst doing all that, then opened my own beauty business BEFORE i went to college to retrain in my 30's as a beauty therapist, body piercer etc, then in my 40's decided to add hairdresser to the mix!!! Ran own business with 9 staff then sold as I moved here in March this year, and now I assistant manage a beauty and piercing salon three days of the week. :jiggy:and have NO PAPERWORK once I leave work Yah!!!

OH is an electrician but specialises in commercial bakery and catering maintenance and repairs.



Have you ever thought about having a change ?:laugh:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am a qualified social worker, currently working with children and families as a support worker, hoping to get my PR visa started next year unless OH gets job before (fingers crossed). My OH is a qualified pipe fitter however he's currently working in an office as a planner!

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  jac2011 said:
As of Monday I will be a MH nurse working in a secure unit with males diagnosed with a personality disorder or who are classed as having challenging behaviour. A little bit of forensics in there too.


Best of luck jac2011; I worked in forensics in the UK for the best part of the last 20 years, I'd be interested to hear how you get on and find the secure system in WA. I am hoping to start a new position in November as a manager of MH services in the Rockingham Peel Group In SMHS, just waiting for last employment checks to clear before we fly out and join in all the fun in the sun! Can't wait!

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I am still a way off yet Steve, still a good 10-12 months for me :-(...


I also don't think after researching that we can afford WA now, we would have loved too and I cant bring myself to leave this forum just in case but financially I think we will have to head over to QLD due to cost of living. Initially 5 of us have to survive of my income and I think the odds are I would struggle in WA. I have also found the WA healthcare recruiters unhelpful really quoting that I would need 2 years of experience (which I would understand if I was heading for sponsorship, but I am not, I am sourcing my own PR visa).


I still have my eyes on the system though to see how things go. I am hoping, in the long run to end up in a forensic unit. I know there are 2 in QLD, one in Townsville and one in South Brisbane. I do love this area in the UK and I think there is so much improvement that can be made to make the guys Iv worked with better and out of the routine of crime.

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We're going over on a PR visa. It took a while to organise and AHPRA were a nightmare for getting my nurse registration recognised; took best part of seven months! However my experience in applying for jobs in WA has been very positive especially as it isn't costing them anything to get me there. My research into cost of living leaves me confused as to what is affordable, however 5 people on a nurses wage is tricky in any country, but it's not like for like; no NI, less on fuel, no heating, and no winter! QLD was our second choice; I love cairns! Stay with the forum, I'm learning how friendly everyone is and there always good advice about. When I get there and settled into the job I'll know more about how people live and will happily let you know. In the mean time enjoy the job, stay compassionate and make a difference :cute:

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  beandownunder said:
me too Debs, not sure what though.what do you fancy??...


I don't know Janine. I might look at the university courses and see. I love where I work but its so different to what I'm used to. I had much more autonomy in the UK and I find it a bit frustrating. Plus I'm going to lose some of my skills where I work because its diagnostic only and I find I'm missing the therapeutic side of things. I miss the rush of a patient being rushed in with hematemesis and a Hb of 4. And the whole 'job well done team' when the patient has been stabilised and we can all breath again. What do you fancy?



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  SteveB said:
Best of luck jac2011; I worked in forensics in the UK for the best part of the last 20 years, I'd be interested to hear how you get on and find the secure system in WA. I am hoping to start a new position in November as a manager of MH services in the Rockingham Peel Group In SMHS, just waiting for last employment checks to clear before we fly out and join in all the fun in the sun! Can't wait!

Be interesting to meet up Steve when you get here I started last week as service manager of peel camhs

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