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Please help i have 2 weeks to convince the wife


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After all this we ended up booking in Kallroo in the North, the wife has a friend who lives there and would feel much happier being closer to someone she knows, who am I to argue with that if it adds to my chances. We fly out this Saturday landing Monday early hours. After doing my skills assessment in London on the same day.

the wife has tried to throw me a curved ball by saying I can have a lambo if we stay...... Petrol heads can syphothis.

are there any Perth Pom meet ups going on from 10th November to the 21st?

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The Freo festival finishes up this weekend so unfortunately you'll miss that but the following weekend, the 15th and 16th is the Freo beer festival. The prison tour is good, especially if you can get on the spooky night tour or the tunnels tour (neither for young kids).

The skate park is fantastic but Freo's the kind of place to enjoy just hanging out.

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After all this we ended up booking in Kallroo in the North, the wife has a friend who lives there and would feel much happier being closer to someone she knows, who am I to argue with that if it adds to my chances. We fly out this Saturday landing Monday early hours. After doing my skills assessment in London on the same day.

the wife has tried to throw me a curved ball by saying I can have a lambo if we stay...... Petrol heads can syphothis.

are there any Perth Pom meet ups going on from 10th November to the 21st?



I blagged an F458 for a long weekend in the summer



mmmmmmmmm what a piece of kit!


Jason,you will walk the skills assessment,just think fridge not AC

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As the title says and i think i have mentioned my wife has not been 100% behind the move, she likes the idea but will miss her Mum and she is a worrier. at the start she agreed to the process i think hoping that we would get a no and then it would be out of our hands.... ( there is still a chance of this i guess). I have my practical assessment on Sat 8th November and have convinced the wife to come out for 2 weeks in November with our girls 7 and 3 and we will have a proper look as neither of us have been to Australia. So the long and short is we will be doing a 2 week reccie to which i also need to convince the wife it is the right choice but also showing the down side i guess for fairness.

The current plan.....

I have checked flight prices and Emirates is £500.00 cheaper than Singapore Airlines, is the £500 worth spending or save it for a Breakfast at the Dome :)

Do you think it is worth getting a holiday let for the 2 weeks so we can get a feel of what it would be like for the first few months? if so any recommendations ? (no idea where we want to live but Madurah maybe a good start)

Car hire ? anyone recommend a short term carhire place please ? think we land in perth at 01:00

Was thinking of contacting schools to see if they will let us have a look around, anyone any experience of this or schools to recommend ?

I have a contact for an A/C company to see if they will let me play with them for the day so i get a feel of the Aussie work life.

Sorry its alot in one hit and i have a few weeks to plan but these 2 weeks are going to be the defining 2 weeks for the rest of our lives and i want to try to get it right, my OH said she will go with an open mind and we will make our final decision then, so this will be the difference in the EOI going in or not.

Thank you in advance for any assistance Jason


Good luck with it all. xx

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