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Did anyone include statements of service in their certified documents? I plan to include the following:

passport page, drivers licence and credit card for 100 point ID check and then

Degree certificate

Degree transcript

PGCE certificate

PGCE transcript

Letter from Uni stating I did more than 45 days teaching on placement

UK Police Certificate

AITSL skills assessment


Have I missed anything? I was going to include my QTS and induction certificates from the GTC but I think they are irrelevant for Oz.





I left out the GTC and QTS too, but put in my IELTS test certificate just in case.


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So I called the TRBWA on Monday morning to get a definitive answer on who can certify my documents in the UK. They said there have been some very recent changes on this. I asked if a Deputy Head teacher or Justice of the Peace can do this and they said no. They sent me the following in an email.


Please note that the ONLY persons authorized to certify your documents, whilst you are overseas, are as follows:

Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)

Employee of the Australian Trade Commission who is:

(a) in a country or place outside Australia; and

(b) authorised under paragraph 3 (d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and

© exercising his or her function in that place

Employee of the Commonwealth who is:

(a) in a country or place outside Australia; and

(b) authorised under paragraph 3 © of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and

© exercising his or her function in that place


I didn't really understand who these people were apart from the Consular Officer. Anyway I have used a Consular Officer at the Australian Embassy in London. I sent my docs special delivery on Monday and received my originals and certified docs back on Wednesday. It was a really efficient service. I’ve sent my application to the TRBWA now so fingers crossed all will be ok.


My advice to any teachers reading this who want to get registered is to call the TRBWA to get the very latest on who can certify documents from overseas as their website isn’t very clear. If you are already in Australia the list on the website should be fine.



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I used a policeman friend and they accepted it. Pleased I didn't have to use any off that list as I don't understand what most of them are! :wacko:


I was hoping to do similar @Akasully2. I think this has only changed in the last couple of weeks. I had to call them back when I got the email as I didn't understand them either. That's when they suggested I call the embassy. It wasn't this complicated for AITSL. Oh well it's done now. Are you working at the moment?

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I was hoping to do similar @Akasully2. I think this has only changed in the last couple of weeks. I had to call them back when I got the email as I didn't understand them either. That's when they suggested I call the embassy. It wasn't this complicated for AITSL. Oh well it's done now. Are you working at the moment?


Hi @DangerousDave no not working yet. I wanted to settle the family in before I started to really pursue a job. I have had mixed advice on getting a job as an art / textiles teacher. Some say that as secondary (high schools) will be increasing their numbers as they are taking year 7's for the first time, there will be a high demand for teachers. However, I am also told that my subjects are not in great demand. When I was in the UK I wondered whether they even taught these subjects. Well, they do. Art is in every school. Textiles technology seems (from what I've seen) to come under Home Economics, like it did in the UK 25+ years a go. It is lumped in with cooking, child care and health. So, it looks as I am now a teacher of 'How to be a Domestic Goddess'.


I haven't seen any State school jobs for these subjects in my immediate area. There are private schools round here but not seen anything from them either. Some have advertised that they are compiling a pool in case they need anyone next year. I have dropped my CV of at a few select schools close by on the off chance they may need supply but not heard anything. I know others PP members who have joined supply agencies and found temp work, but I'm not really at that stage yet.


One big tip I would give is that once you are here, the are two things you need to have/do. Firstly, you need to go to the post office and apply for a working with children card. This is like a CRB check. You get a card with your photo on it. What is weird though, is that the form requires you to say where you work and for them to fill in a section. But seriously, how can you do this if you don't have a job and you can't get a job without the card??? I got mine by asking my son's school to fill a bit in for me, but them realised it would be sent to them! In the end I pleaded with the lady at the post office for advice as it didn't make sense. She said to just tick that I was a volunteer there. This way I only paid for lesser fee too. She said I could top it up once I got a job. Turns out though, that it is valid to teach on and you don't have to top it up. At last, a bonus...think that is the first one I have received since shelling out heaps of money on this very long journey. Apparently, I have since found out that you can tick the box that says you are self employed and get round it that way.


The next tip I would give regards the police check clearance, that you need to teach here. On the TRBWA form you fill out the police check stuff and I assumed I would get some certificate from them....no, not that simple. (Why is that not surprising anymore?) When I got my TRBWA letter back it mentioned about police clearance but I had nothing to show for it. I phoned TRBWA and they said I would just show their letter as it had the info on it. Well, it looked very blank to me, I was expecting a certificate or something. It was only when I asked my son's school about it that they said I needed a clearance reg number. They gave me a gov tel number to call. I did and they said that I did have clearance but I hadn't received a letter as I had applied through the TRBWA and not them. ????? So, I asked how I was meant to get it then and why didn't TRBWA issue it. They repeated like a parrot that it wasn't their responsibility to issue it. She told me however, to write down my reg number and put it on any forms/applications I make in the future. What a load of wishy-washy nonsense. So, if I hadn't spoken to my son's school, how would I have known to ask for it? I have found every government application form difficult and confusing. Don't get me started on Centrelink....Grrrr.

Edited by Akasully2
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Thanks for the heads up @Akasully2. I can't stand wishy washy nonsense either. I foolishly thought the paper trail was over. After all these checks I'm going to have to drop the Dangerous from my user name. Good luck with the job hunt once you've settled your family. I'm hoping I can at least get some temporary work. The problem we have is we are both Teachers. If one of us can't get regular work then I'll have to look at getting non teaching work. Fingers crossed though.

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Thanks @aligard. I thought about going to my solicitor but she will probably charge a fortune. The Yorkshireman in me is trying to get something for nowt. After all it will get lost in the swim of the cost of moving. I've set up a job alert from the WA jobs board. Out of interest how long did your registration take?

Whereabouts in Yorkshire are you? We are in East Yorkshire, about 15 mins outside of Hull.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So my documents have arrived with the TRBWA. Anybody know how quickly they contact you to take payment? I elected to pay by credit card and on the application form it says they will email me with an invoice number when my documents are received.



Not sure tbh as I sent a foreign bank draft with my application but it was processed very quickly.

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So my documents have arrived with the TRBWA. Anybody know how quickly they contact you to take payment? I elected to pay by credit card and on the application form it says they will email me with an invoice number when my documents are received.





I did the foreign bank draft too Dave so not sure about the timings. But at least they have it, like Nicos mine was processed quickly once I'd got it to them 'correctly notified'!!!

I've now embarked on trying to Australianise by CV, that's fun! :wacko:


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I did the foreign bank draft too Dave so not sure about the timings. But at least they have it, like Nicos mine was processed quickly once I'd got it to them 'correctly notified'!!!

I've now embarked on trying to Australianise by CV, that's fun! :wacko:


Thanks @The Duroses. Maybe I should have sent a bank draft. It didn't really occur to me after paying by credit card for visas, AITSL etc. I read they don't start the process until payment is received, this is what is testing my patience although I don't know why because I have plenty of time. I know what you mean about Australianising your CV. It seems CVs and cover letters need to be much longer than here. I didn't even have a teaching CV until I started this process.

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I really struggled with the letter writing. I kept my cv as I would here, 2 pages long. There was a thread from july/aug time called job applications I think that had a bit more detail of what to put in a letter. I followed this as far as I could but I still think different schools look for different things. I changed my letter slightly for each job I applied for. I got 3 interviews (and 3 job offers yay!!!!) but also some rejections and when I asked for feedback from one school they absolutely slated my letter so I dontt think I'm really any wiser! Happy to email a version to anyone who wants a starting point though - dm me an email address.




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  • 1 month later...
Guest Guest13452

Hi Marco,


I found that I got relief work by creating packs of my information, and posting and hand-delivering them to various schools. I must have posted 20, and delivered another 15 at least. In the packet, I included my cover letter and CV, a certified copy of my Working With Children card (aka DBS check in UK) and also my proof that I am registered with the TRBWA.


Relief work is a bit scarce in first term, but tends to pick up after that. Be willing to travel and be GOOD. Schools only ask back people that they really like. It is difficult to get work every day, but it's possible if you are really willing to travel, sometimes up to 60-90 minutes one way (if you have to go through the city during rush hour).


Schools also have 'inductions' for relief teachers, where, if they like the look of your paperwork, they ask you to come in and fill out paperwork and show you around the school.

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Hi Dave. We're moving in March and I was thinking of doing relief work so that I can get to know schools. How do you arrange your relief work and is it possible to get work every day?






Hi Mark,


I'm still in England so I can't offer any personal experience on how much relief work you can get yet. @oddball has given a good explanation of what to do. There are also a few relief teaching agencies around that you can sign up with too. Are you registered with the TRBWA? My registration was completed today, it took 7 weeks which included 1 week to get to OZ. Good luck with it all.

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