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What didn't you take you wish you had?


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We're early on the process yet, but I'm wondering if we're making the right decision to take nothing with us.


We're basically taking pictures without frames, (only special ones) and clothes. We're renting and planning on going to a holiday let to start with which will be fully furnished. Then once we've found a long term rental, going out and getting everything we need (we have factored this into the amount of money we need to take)


All of our stuff is old so if we were moving to a new house we'd be buying new anyway so we figured why bring an old bed and mattress and pay for the container when we can buy new. Same with sofas. We rent at the moment do don't own a fridge/freezer washing machine etc, so again would have to buy new anyway. So all that leaves is the telly really can't take the sky box, and again it's not worth shopping a TV over.


I want to take bedding, I'm also thinking my little girls toys and teddies. Now I'm thinking what else may I regret not taking? Did anyone else go with nothing but felt they should've taken more. I'm thinking sentimental really xx

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Hi @ImmilBees

have you checked out the MoveCube? Like you, we aren't planning on taking too much but it soon adds up - all the sentimental stuff, our little boy's toys, a bit of furniture....the MoveCube has 3 different size storage containers - perhaps the smallest may be ideal for you? Then you could just cram it with all your little bits? We are going for the large one as then we may as well take our bed and boy's furniture but no white goods/sofas etc as like you, we are in need of new ones!!

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  cutchibear said:
Hi @ImmilBees

have you checked out the MoveCube? Like you, we aren't planning on taking too much but it soon adds up - all the sentimental stuff, our little boy's toys, a bit of furniture....the MoveCube has 3 different size storage containers - perhaps the smallest may be ideal for you? Then you could just cram it with all your little bits? We are going for the large one as then we may as well take our bed and boy's furniture but no white goods/sofas etc as like you, we are in need of new ones!!


This is what we're doing. I've booked a large Move Cube with Seven Seas for 20th October before we fly out on the 23rd Oct. We're taking a few bits of furniture, washing machine, TV, my son's bed, toys and personal bits but everything else is gone. The rest is just not worth shipping in my opinion. Plus I'm quite looking forward to buying it all again :)

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We asked the same question when we were moving over, and lots of people had recommended to bring everything you own, we were only going to be bringing out pictures, kids toys etc. We paid £4,000 for a 20ft container and it was full. But we still spent $10,000 when we first got here on bedroom furniture for my son, a fridge freezer and a washing machine and a new couch for the extra living space that most Oz homes have. I don't know why but you spend a small fortune when you first get here and if you are not earning AUD it can seem very expensive.


I presume, maybe wrongly when you first get here that you might be renting and then once settled be buying your own home. So why not bring what you have, it doesn't matter if it's old as it will still only be for a little while, then when you have your own home buy stuff that suits your new home. We also found that whilst we were looking for our own house, every house was so different that not all our furniture would have fitted, in one our new fridge freezer would not have fitted, in another our new couch would not have fitted, and in most of the houses my son's new bedroom furniture would not have fitted, so the new things we would have spent a lot of money on, had a good chance of being sold on Gumtree for not a lot of money when they were only a year old. Obviously if you do not have furniture to bring over then you cannot bring it, but if you are only not bringing it because it's old, I would maybe reconsider, until you are 100% sure where you will be living.


We did bring our dining room table and chairs and when looking for the new couch, we found a new one we liked, so we brought that and sold our old one on Gumtree within 1 day of it going on, we also sold our son's old bed and again that went within 2 days on Gumtree as lots of people are arriving and leaving everyday so you can always pick up a bargain on Gumtree.


Exciting times ahead so enjoy it. XX

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Hubby wishes he had brought more of his tools not only for work but for home plus his R1 motorbike plus our car but the cost did factor in. As someone stated you do spend an awful lot when first arriving I was a bit taken back that you have to pay to set up an account with the power companies cheek of it!

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  • 4 months later...

Just reviving this thread really to see if anyone can add to it.....


I'm still in a quandary about whether to bring our stuff or not...


Most of our furniture is very cheap and recycled etc or very old or ikea stuff that's falling apart and not sure will take as it might not make it haha!


The only think I reeeeeally want to take is washing machine and maybe one of our sofas....and maybe sons bed. Then obviously I want to take all our Crockery bedding etc wrc clothes and sentimental stuff....is it worth just getting a movecube and raising gumtree and ebay upon arrival as I've had a look at our style and it's cheap over there.


I am not sure spending £4k shipping bits I'm not overly bothered about is going to be worth it....


Aaaaaaah dilemma!!!

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im really not sure what to do either jen, we have all our sentimental stuff, photos, clothes, towels bedding, would we put the towels and bedding in the suitcases? I really need to have a sort out asap, its too overwhelming tho.


our washing machine is being used here, we replaced mil's one when we moved in so I expect she will keep it.

fridge is only thing worth selling, and we have 1 big and 2 small tvs.


I think a small movecube would be good for us.


we are lodging our visa tomorrow !!! parting with lots of ££££££££££££££

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Oh it really is so difficult I'm not even sure we would fill a container haha! So maybe a large movecube that would for all our bits and the washing machine would be ok....I just worry I'll regret not taking bits and not sure if I'll have another baby and want to take all that stuff just in case. I don't really know how much a movecube will hold so guess I need to look at that I know I've for loads of stuff that needs to go though..!


Bless you it's crazy hard!! You e done so well! Aaaaargh I can't believe it's tomorrow!!! Really? Seriously aaaah wow I am soooooooo excited!!!!! Will follow you every step! I think it's doing to be swift for me now too....!


Hahaha coco- idk some companies have said 6months others 4 and others 2 - I know likely panicking for nothing but I just like to know and if I'm taking a 20ft container I'll buy more bedding etc here as ours is tired and it's v expensive over there! Xx

Edited by JenPen
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thankyou ! its has been hard at times but we are nearly there, 19 months of living with mil ! all squashed in, im really looking forward to getting our next home, fingers crossed it will be in aus, im looking forward to the girls having their own rooms and a big double bed each and lots of space, but they will probably still share lol !


theres no way we would fill a container, we sold of all our furniture and only have a few bits. im excited to buy all new in our next home, we can start from new :-))


my oldest bestest friend lives in Portsmouth, we have arranged to go away for 5 days, only a cheap caravan holiday, just us and the kiddies, first 'leaving do' feels a bit weird, im going to miss her so much. looking forward to the break away.xx

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Honestly I would bring as much as possible. It is much better to make do in a rental with stuff you already own, then going out and buying stuff, that may or may not fit the house you will eventually own. We ended up spending about $10,000 on furniture we needed when we got here, and none of it I want to keep long term, it was just making do. As we live in an expensive area, we cannot afford a huge house here and so to be honest the stuff we had brought, we might not have been able to use in some of the houses we liked and we would have had to sell it after only owning it a year. I do know lots of people that buy off gumtree when they first arrived, but we have never found anything we like, although we have sold stuff through gumtree since being here quite easily.


They have an Ikea here, but it is slightly more expensive even with the exchange rate than the UK one, and apparently it is more expensive than the other Oz stores, because apparently they put up the price for shipping it here, now I do not know if that is true, but that is what a member of staff told me, when we went to buy my daughter's chest of drawers as it was $10 more than the advertised price on-line.


Jo its getting so close for you now.

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  JenPen said:
Oh it really is so difficult I'm not even sure we would fill a container haha! So maybe a large movecube that would for all our bits and the washing machine would be ok....I just worry I'll regret not taking bits and not sure if I'll have another baby and want to take all that stuff just in case. I don't really know how much a movecube will hold so guess I need to look at that I know I've for loads of stuff that needs to go though..!


Bless you it's crazy hard!! You e done so well! Aaaaargh I can't believe it's tomorrow!!! Really? Seriously aaaah wow I am soooooooo excited!!!!! Will follow you every step! I think it's doing to be swift for me now too....!


Hahaha coco- idk some companies have said 6months others 4 and others 2 - I know likely panicking for nothing but I just like to know and if I'm taking a 20ft container I'll buy more bedding etc here as ours is tired and it's v expensive over there! Xx

you can share a 20ft. container instead of a move cube, just a thought. Be careful not to buy to much , if you do take it out of packages as I think they charge tax on it if you haven't had it 12 mths

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  odies said:
Did everyone bring there medical reports from there Dr , no claims from the ins. co. and credit refs from bank with them ? or do we not need to


Odies I brought copies of all medical records for us, also a letter from my car insurance company as I had full no-claims bonus. Didn't bother about the bank though but now wish I had, as I found it very hard (about 4 years) to get a credit card because I had paid outright for the house and car and had no credit history in Australia.

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I agree @SJT! We bought a sofa when we arrived which fitted lovely in our rental but it nearly didn't fit in our new house! We also bought a fridge freezer and it was a real squeeze to get it to fit in...we had to take the skirting boards off!


I sold a big leather armchair which I wished I'd brought with us as it would go lovely in our parents retreat, and we have a study but no desk as we sold our solid pine one. If we had brought it we could've made do in the study instead of having nothing in there and then it could have gone in one of the kids bedrooms when we got around to buying one.


Our container ended up being only just over half full as we were told we had too much and needed to get rid of some stuff! We could've fitted in so much more!


We didn't bring our BBQ or alfresco furniture which was a good move as they are all such good value here to buy new and so much bigger too!!!


I wished we'd cleaned our tent and brought it with us! We ended up buying a new one recently at a cost of $499 which is virtually the same!


We brought all of our beds but our double looks tiny here! We lived in a cottage style village property in the UK so we couldn't fit much more into our bedroom. We've just bought a new one and went for a King size which is equivalent to a UK Super King. There are lots of queen size beds on offer here as it seems to be the most popular (equivalent to a UK King). Interestingly the mattresses are designed for the hot weather and they claim to use materials and a construction which draws heat away from the body. So if you're in two minds whether to bring your bed then perhaps leave it behind and buy new here. Of course you'll also have the added bonus of having a bed to sleep in in your rental whilst you're awaiting your container.


For those of you planning to move here May, June time, of course there's also the end of financial year sales (until 30 June which is the end of the tax year) with some great bargains to be had!

Edited by Lou8670
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@odies, I have brought all our medical records and until recently presumed I had wasted my time, as the doctors here were not interested in them, but I needed to see a specialist this week and having my old notes made his decision a lot simpler as he then had the facts that I had been suffering a while.
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When we came nearly 25 years ago we brought almost everything with us apart from whitegoods (which were all built in and sold with the house) and the TV. We had some antique furniture and the rest was fairly new and we loved it and wouldn't have been able to sell it for what it was worth, so it came too. Also, as the children were still young (6 and 8), we felt that it would give some semblance of normality for them to have our "home contents" move with us. We filled a container and I do not regret for one minute the costs involved. I still have the antiques (well they were passed down through the family and will move onto my offspring eventually) and some of the furniture we brought with us. We lived in a renovated cottage in a small rural town in England so our furniture was not large in size, and although it filled the cottage, it was initially quite lost in the house here and we had to buy more as needed.


Before we left UK we decluttered hugely before we packed and only brought the china, kitchen equipment etc that we really used and liked. We had 2 massive garage sales prior to moving and sold a lot of the children's toys, bikes, swing, trampoline etc, bbq, outdoor furniture (apart from one bench that had been in the family for over 70 years.... spent days cleaning it with Jeyes fluid and re-varnishing it and it passed AQIS with no comment), all the household bit and pieces we no longer wanted. The money we gained from the garage sales paid for most of the shipping of the rest of our belongings.


I do think however that it is a very individual decision, well isn't everything in life? If you have furniture you love, then bring it. If you are living with stuff you gained second hand and use it because you need something, well maybe don't bring it. You don't have to hire a whole container... MoveCube have individual different sized "cubes" if you want your stuff to come on it's own, but you can also hire part of a container if you have more than a MoveCube will hold.


Bottom line is to just do what you think is best for you. If you want to stock up on anything to bring with you, do so, but take it out of the wrapping you bought it in. But we do have shops in Australia you know, and isn't shopping in another country part of the migration journey..... and you can buy just about anything on the internet if what is available in Australia doesn't suit you.


Not sure if I have been of any help at all, but just sending everyone about to pack up and make the move the best of luck. Not sure if I could go through all that stress again!:biggrin:

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