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Is anyone still working for their UK company having moved to Aus?


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So, I work in IT and there is the facility to work from home.


I could, provided my manager agrees to it, work from home 100% of the time. Taking it a step further, I wonder if I'd be able to take my job with me when I go. I wouldn't want to do it long term, as I want to meet people and get stuck in when I do move, but to take some of the financial worry out of the move, I thought this might be a goer!


I'm just wondering if anyone has made the move to Aus and kept their UK job, even for a short while?


Presumably, you're no longer liable for UK tax, but how does you're employer do PAYE for you if you're in Aus? Do you just get it all tax free and file a tax return in Aus?


Do you work UK hours or have you been free to work Aus hours as long as you do the required number?


I can't imagine they'd want to pay a UK mobile bill if I'm using it in Aus all the time, so I'd have to come up with something for phone calls, although we do have international dial in numbers for conference calls. If thats the only issue, it seems like a no brainer!


Any advice/guidance/ideas most welcome.



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