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Falling out with family over decision to move


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That's so sad to hear. Do you think she'll come over to visit when your there. It will probably be hard for her once you go but over time she'll get used to you being there.

when we bring it up my mil just laughs sarcasticly as if you say " you won't go" which makes me more determined to go. She's not overly close to her son my oh and since my sil had a baby she doesn't bother with my girls as much, she expecting ( my sil) again and

my youngest turned round and said " well that's it we'll never see nana again now"

i hope your mum comes round xx

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Thanks, she's hell bent on the fact that she won't visit, so I don't know, luckily we're only at the beginning of the whole process, so she's got time, to at least come round to the idea even if she can't accept it.


That must be really hard for your children, to feel like that. This is what i'm trying to get across to my mum, she has another grandaughter and all the time she's saying things like, her life will be empty, and I don't know what it's like to have your grandchildren taken away. It's just going to make my niece feel rejected. And then she really will have no one.


I'm hoping she will come and visit and see it was the best thing, but at the moment she won't even contemplate the plane journey let alone a 4-6 week holiday with us.. because she has the dog!!

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