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possible passport problem?

Lee Thorp

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Are you going on a PR visa? Surely if you're a PR there would be no need to have 6 months left on your passport before it expires but it's not something I'd want to take a chance on tbh. Did you use an agent to get your visa? If so I'd definitely be giving them a call. Otherwise I'd be on the phone to your airline. In fact I'd probably email the airline so I had something in writing and if they say it's ok I'd take a printed version with me to the airport.


Worse case scenario is that you'd need to pay extra to get an fast track passport, maybe have a look at the UK Passport website so you have a back-up plan and know where you stand.


Hope someone in the know can confirm 6 months isn't needed xx

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if you're moving there for good on the 22nd I can't imagine you would need to have a set date on it, however if it was just a reccie then I think you would need six months. However if you did find out you needed to update it and fast tracked it don't forget you need to change it with the visa bureau, my thread may help if that's the case..


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