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Picking a real estate manager - don't bother!

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Hello All


Just letting you know that I will never use a Perth real estate company again to manage an investment property. I have just found out that they lie about property reports , and then charge you $220 for a report they copied from somebody 2 years ago. Best of all in true Perth fashion they are too dumb to even care about the lie they told you.


Will I chase the money they claim they worked for on my behalf, no because its not worth entering into a protracted court case for this amount of cash. Nevertheless, at every opportunity I will be slagging off this well known real estate company when I go to BBQ's, at the pub, in the workplace, places in general.

And if I ever take on tenants again, guess I won't bother with so called professional REIWA property companies. Like the old saying, if you want a job done, then do it yourself! What a load of ...

Edited by portlaunay
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~Sorry you have had a bad experience. I know from a tenant perspective being the person who rents a property the agent who manages the house we rent is very competent. But then she is from a local estate agent not a national one. She treats us as tenants with the utmost of respect. There are some horror stories about property managers from the tenant perspective on how rude and derogatory they can be.

As from a landlord perspective as we have rental properties in the UK now thats a different ball game and they truly are a shower of ...................

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Hi Cockneybynature, I can understand that you would be very annoyed but surely a bad dealing with one person shouldn't reflect the integrity of the whole industry ...... Just like any industry, race, gender or whatever, there is good and bad.


You thinking that all REIWA property companies are deceitful and useless due to a bad dealing with 1 person is a bit rough. Maybe it's that person who is the bad egg and not doing their job properly?


You could equally say you'll "never trust any woman again" because the agent was female or "young people are useless" as the agent was under 25? (or whatever the case may be)


Sorry you've been burnt and if you want to be pointed in the right direction of a good property manager then drop me a mail.


For the record I'm in real estate sales not property management :-)





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neils 1812


Why the pointed comments and derogatory biased remarks towards women and young people? A Freudian slip somewhere there I'd say!

PS I wont be dropping you an email based on that advice.


I would suggest you re-read my post, I was stating that all of these remarks would be equally ridiculous ........ I was saying that the person and nothing else should be the brunt of your frustration ie not the whole real estate industry.

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