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At the end of my tether...


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Hi everyone.

Well this is my first post on here - I only wish it was a little more positive haha!

Basically, I feel like calling it a day and heading back home to the UK as I'm finding it incredibly difficult to find work. I'm lucky enough to have got something casual in the chippy after a month of being here, but unfortunately casual hours just don't cut it in Perth and my savings are all gone now, mega struggling to get by! Does anybody have any heads up on work? I've tried EVERY job hunting website, be it SEEK, Gum Tree, Jobs.Wa.gov, JobRapido, Indeed.com, I've printed CV's off and walked around cafe's/shops/hotels/anything with a door, I've sent emails, but I'm getting nowhere and feeling a bit down.

I've got an Honours Degree in Tourism with Events Management and 7 years customer service experience mainly through retail, bit of admin/reception experience, call centre and worked behind a bar for a few months too...and now I do a bit of everything in the chippy haha.

I knew it wasn't going to be a walk in the park when I came to Australia, and I know that as soon as potential employers see a WH-417 Visa on a CV they become top of the pile for the bin, but I thought by now I would have got something full-time, or at least something that would allow me to have a life and not be constantly skint!


For any heads up, I thank you in advance.

Sorry for the rant, just feeling like crap and don't really want to go back home after 3 months. Australia is such a beautiful place and I haven't even seen a fraction of it yet.


Cheers Poms



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I know it is really tough for working holiday visa applicants - you just need a foot hold in a door somewhere. Not sure what area you are in but there are so many new shops opening in the shopping centres like Joondalup, Ocean Keys, Cockburn - there might be some Christmas casual work going there. I wouldn't be surprised if you do hear back from someone you've applied too - they can take a while to get around to things in WA. Also just watch out for companies trying exploit WH visa applicants too - i.e. you have to pay them to register you for a too good to be true job in the mines or commission only sales/charity collectors.


Good luck and keep your chin up.

Keep us posted.

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I think you need to change what you are looking for. Don't look at the more proffessional roles such as those you have experience in. These can be almost impossible for people to get on a WHV as employers want someone that doesn't have the burden of only being able to work for them for 6 months.

Have you registered with the temp agencies in Perth? If not, do, but also chase them regularly - give them a call once a week to ask what is available.

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Hi Andrew don't give up...

We are a recruitment agency who unfortunately for you specialise in blue collar / skilled trade roles. However I couldn't let your post go without trying to help.

I know of a few other job boards that may help





Also a post on here with a clear subject line - I have a WH Visa and I'm looking for work!!


Best of luck...

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Sorry to hear this Andro0o9, but it is not unusual for WHV holders. Many employers do not want to go to the bother of interviewing and employing someone who has limitations on working time on their visa, so it would be counter-productive to apply for positions in your profession. As a family we have had many sons and daughters of friends in UK stay with us whilst they have been on their working holiday around Oz, and they have all had issues finding work. What has worked for them all though is to register with temp agencies for both office and manual work. Also there are many backpackers hostels in Perth and Fremantle and they all have work noticeboards. The last couple of WHV visitors who stayed with us last year both put a "Wanted" ad on these boards and picked up various casual posts that lasted days or weeks. It is very hard to find work that is fulltime for a good period of time when you are on this visa, but I would have thought with Christmas coming up, that there might be something in the hospitality or retail arena going. Have you considered putting a Wanted ad on this forum???? Good Luck... hope something comes up soon for you.

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Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for all your responses, it's nice to get some feedback from you all makes me feel (slightly) better haha!


Nikki I'm going to look into the Job Shop, thanks for that, will go in next week at some point and sign myself up with them :)


Louise it's like you read my mind, I applied for a 'too good to be true' job on Monday and the next day I was offered a position with a leading hotel (that was curiously not named) if I paid the 1450 Euro application fees....the fact it was in Euros and seemed to be based in Italy rang alarm bells lol. I've already applied for casual work with Wollies, KMart etcc and handed in Cv's around Joondalup and Whitfords...it's weird even for casual and temp work I haven't heard back cos I'm pretty good at shop work haha.


Portlauna that's actually really good to know, do you have the names of them? I could always take a look around next week seeing how I'm eternally free. I've been here since the start of August lol.


Verystormy and Rossmoyne thanks I'll look into signing up with a few, I've already done a good look around and it seems mainly focused on Construction/Recruitment. I don't want to narrow my job search though because it is proving so difficult to get anything, I'm basically applying for anything and everything and I think that if I stray away to one particular sector it'll narrow my chances of finding work even more. I think I'll stick wanted ad's up in all these places thanks a lot for the advice. It's soo hard and it makes me feel better knowing it isn't just me who's found them-self in this situation.


IRP thank you so much I'll get right on to those sites and see what they have available - here's hoping I can get a reply from someone on them haha! My next proirity is putting a post on here and any other forum I can find!


AKASULLY2 cheers I'll go round everywhere at Hilary's with my CV too totally forgot about that place.


COCKNEYBYNATURE cheers, I have considered just packing up and heading into the outback to see if there's work haha. That's a good saying!!


Ali I have thought about doing that or even further afield like Tasmania, but I don't want to blow more cash going somewhere with nothing set in stone, blowing what savings I have left and being home even sooner than planned haha. But I won't give up I'll do a right good look into what is up North and see if there are any possibilities.


Thanks all for your replies. I appreciate it. It's nice chatting about it with people and getting your thoughts and ideas. Here's hoping something comes up!


Andrew :)

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Have a look at Gumtree for jobs in the South West. Summer is a buzzing time of year down there and work is in abundance. I notice one job for an Events Operator and another for 2nd year WHV Farm Work (3 meals a day, accommodation and $15 an hour!). There seem to be a lot of decent seasonal jobs in the Margaret River region - a perfect place to be over Summer. Go for it!

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