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Job advice for the wife


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Hi all


Myself , my wife and two year old son have now been living in Perth for the past 15 months. So far it has only been me working but my wife will now be looking at going back to work in the new year. The problem we have is we don't actually know what positions she should apply for.


In the UK she obtained a sociology degree. She then got a job as a teaching assistant at a secondary school, which is known for been in a problem area with many students with learning problems and home issues etc. She was then asked to do a role titled "learning mentor". Basically she had a certain amount of allocated students who she would work with one on one, taking them out of mainstream class but still in the school, and help them achieve the GCSE grades they had been predicted to get, but were falling behind with their progress for one reason or another. She also had to liaise with students families to try and get them involved in their child's education. After 18 months of this she was then put in charge of the whole department overseeing the work of 6 learning mentors which she gained great results from and thoroughly enjoyed, as well as getting paid a good wage. She did this for a year then we moved here.


Now we are in Perth we haven't got a clue of how she can get a job within schools again as she has no teaching qualification and even teaching assistant roles require qualifications, and after speaking to teachers who have made the move, even they struggle to get work. The only option we can see is to maybe do some qualification and work her way up again.


If anyone has any advice we would love to hear it as we are running out of ideas of what we can do to get her a similar role in the education system over here.

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What about youth mentoring? She might not get into teaching but if she has experience in this area she might like to look at getting into programmes that support indigenous youth.

I had a quick look and found this;



and this is from more of a health angle but it might be a good place to start;



Where are you based?

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