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187 Visa and child with newly diagnosed scoliosis.


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Hope that one of the lovely Poms can help me out please. My daughter (7) has today been confirmed with a scoliosis of 35 degrees. In the UK 40 degrees is deemed in need of surgery. But the doctor said that as she is so young she would consider surgery necessary now. At the medical in April nothing was said, although the doctor did look at her back for a long time. So my question is do I need to find a GP to then refer to hospital as in the UK? Or how does it work? Many thanks. X

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  hibster76 said:
Hope that one of the lovely Poms can help me out please. My daughter (7) has today been confirmed with a scoliosis of 35 degrees. In the UK 40 degrees is deemed in need of surgery. But the doctor said that as she is so young she would consider surgery necessary now. At the medical in April nothing was said, although the doctor did look at her back for a long time. So my question is do I need to find a GP to then refer to hospital as in the UK? Or how does it work? Many thanks. X


Hi there,

First of all hugs to you, it's all very daunting.


The process is first of all GP, they then refer you to a Paediatrician who then refers you to the Scoliosis Clinic.


My daughter was diagnosed at the age of 5, she wore a body brace until last year, her curves are so bad now the best a brace can do is hold it but she has wore it for so long she is fed up,she is now 14. She is on the waiting list here in Perth for spinal surgery. The waiting list is huge.

We have been told she will not have the surgery within the next year and are considering relocating back to NSW in order to get her seen quicker.


If I can answer any other questions for you,feel free to ask.


Best wishes.

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  hibster76 said:
Thank you so much for your reply. She was born with hip dysplasia and was in a brace for the first 5 months of life. And now this! Can I ask what type of brace she was in please? We are renting in Shenton Park - which is handy for the hospital!


Thank you again. X


That must have been so difficult for you,cuddles are not quite the same in the brace are they.


She wore a Boston brace,she still has them all. We covered them in stickers when she was little. Is your little one getting a brace?


We were at the hospital in Shenton Park but were moved to Royal Perth until the new hospital is ready,which we were told is in April.


We're in Secret Harbour,we didn't mind so much being less than an hour away from the hospital as we did a four and a half hours drive to Sydney when we lived in NSW,so the drive now seems nothing.Houses are cheaper here and we wanted to be able to have a pool as swimming is excellent for them.


There is a great support group for Scoliosis the parents and children were lovely,we only went once,as my daughter isn't in the brace stage anymore and didn't really benefit from it she wanted to talk more about the op but nobody else was at that stage. There was another 7 year old in the group who was the youngest and all the other girls were older,I'm sure she would appreciate a little pal. I can give you the details if you are interested,they meet once a month.


Hugs to you and your little one x

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fraggle Rock thank you for your reply. Sorry not to be in touch sooner. Things are a little busy as we leave on 30/12.


The details for the group would be fantastic thank you.


Really trying to get my head around brace/surgery again. She had to be seen weekly from birth to 5 months for brace adjustments and ultrasound/physio. Surgery was a real possibility then and we were luck that treatment worked in the end. Like you say cuddles were hard as she was so rigid all of the time.


Meeting another little girl would help her and us I am sure. Being able to chat to other parents too. We have not really said too much to her about it yet as she is emotional about leaving school and her life in the UK. We don't want to add to her worries just yet.


Many thanks. X

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