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ielts 2nd attempt


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Hang on in there, I had to do it 3 times to pass. I struggled with the reading section, go on YouTube and watch some tutorials. There is a systematic approach to it and will help you a lot. Yes it is a scam but it's just one if those things that you have to do and you can't do much to change that!

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  • 9 months later...

A lot of people fail the IELTS test and nothing is more frustrating in being from the UK where English is surprisingly spoken and being required to do an English test when coming to Australia. If you fail a few more times or if anyone else fails this test excessively. You can complain in a small claims tribunal. As the test is expensive and it adds up if you have failed more than a few times. An education company made a list of the courts and tribunals you can use to complain. http://www.educationcomplaints.com/australian-courts-tribunals/

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i again cannnot recomend the ilets on youtube enough !! really helped me crack it !…. loads of vids that explain …. also look for mock exams on line , practiced every night for a month ( as failed soooo many times ) ….. but finally got there !!!


Dont give up :o)

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IELTS Ryan on Youtube! I am intelligent but my English is rubbish, I am a Maths person. Copy down the texts that IELTS Ryan writes and study them. Spend at least 2 weeks doing this in the evenings. Find different questions online and construct your answer the same as he does. Look at my signature, it works!!

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IELTS Ryan on Youtube! I am intelligent but my English is rubbish, I am a Maths person. Copy down the texts that IELTS Ryan writes and study them. Spend at least 2 weeks doing this in the evenings. Find different questions online and construct your answer the same as he does. Look at my signature, it works!!


Completely agree with this !!!! infact sure it was you scotty that recommended ilets ryan to me ………. its a Massive help , got me passed :o)

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