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HELP! Visting Partner on a WHV with a dependant


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Hi All,


I am in panic mode at the moment as i have just read on another forum that me and my daughter cannot visit my partner in Australia while he is on a WHV.


We have had a flight booked for months and are due to fly out on the 25th March. I have applied for our eVisitor visa and my daughters has been granted, I am still waiting on mine to come back.


Will us being in the country breach his visa conditions?


We are in the process of getting a 457 visa in which we are both listed as dependants.


Any advice will be greatly appreciated.




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Hi Katie unfortunately you have been given the correct advice on the other forum - one of the conditions of a WHV is that you cannot be accompanied by a dependent child during any time in Australia. By you visiting the visa conditions will be breached. You should change your flight until after the 457 has been granted

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  dxboz said:
Hi Katie unfortunately you have been given the correct advice on the other forum - one of the conditions of a WHV is that you cannot be accompanied by a dependent child during any time in Australia. By you visiting the visa conditions will be breached. You should change your flight until after the 457 has been granted


Thank you for you replay dxboz, I feared it would be correct. My only hope is that the 457 visa is granted asap. My OH is going to speak to our agent tomorrow and see what we can do.

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Hopefully it will be granted before you go.



  • You cannot include a dependent child on your application for a Working Holiday visa (subclass 417).
  • A dependent child cannot accompany you at any time while you are in Australia.
  • Your partner can accompany you to Australia, but they will need to apply for their own visa.http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/417.aspx

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Hi gar374,


I think the that is half the problem with immigration, how things are interpreted. One person says the opposite to another.


I did call immigration though and they have told me that unfortunately if my daughter does visit Australia then my OH will be in breach of his conditions.


So the plan is to wait and see if the visa in granted in the next 6 weeks and if not either move flights around or persue the road of my OH terminating his WHV and moving onto a tourist visa until the 457 is granted.

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  gar374 said:
Would be interesting to know the definition of accompany, from a DIAC perspective.

The dependant could visit the country and not even see the parent. I'd be very interested to hear what the agent has to say.

Hope you manage to get it all sorted.

Dependents must be listed on the WHV application which must be applied for as paper copy can't apply online if you have dependents. So DIBP will already know about dependent unless lied on application and then put all furtre applications at risk for cancellation.


I heard of someone ,giving having a baby on a whv and the visa was cancelled straight away, was giving bridging visa e to sort the child's passport out and leave the country.


DIBP frown upon people entering australia on visitors visas waiting for 457 visas to be granted as can say you are not a genuine tourist.

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