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partners dependant children have to go on visa but not coming,co may request medicals


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hi all, my partner has had to put on our visa application that he has 2 dependant children, although his kids wont see him and want nothing to do with him (obviously evil influences going on here but thats another story) anyhow, we have been told today that wehn we get a CO assigned in the (hopefully) nxt coming weeks that they may request there medicals and want to see there birth certs ... we dont want them on the visa and we have no way of getting there medicals done as they refuse to see there dad :( could prob get copies of birth certs? but we explained that the meds would of ran out by the time they are grown and may want to come over but aparently its proceedure..has anyone got around this? as this seems too ridiculous to stop us all from going :(

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It is part of the process that non migrating children have to have medicals. I'm guessing that It's not a case of 'getting around it' - but proving that you will have explored every avenue to try to get them done. Proof that you have requested of the other parent that they give permission for the medicals to take place and their written refusal (I don't know if this should be via a solicitor to assist with authenticity).

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What is the reason they need to be included anyway? I had my 2 children included and had done a medical for them but don't you need to get a separate visa for them if they want to migrate at a later date anyway?

Because you HAVE to include your dependants. What if they decided to co e live with you, and what if their Mother died or was no longer able to look after them ? Also Australia doesn't know if you are abandoning a child with high risk medical needs to move.

Edited by Give me a break!
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The reason that non-migrating dependednts require a medical is due to the waiver scheme if a child sponsored by PR parent who didn't pass the medical would still get in to Australia. This was abused in the past that children who would not pass the medical were listed as non-migrating dependents, then after parents visas granted a child visa was applied for using the medical waiver. To stop people doing this all non-migrating dependents require medicals.

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What is the reason they need to be included anyway? I had my 2 children included and had done a medical for them but don't you need to get a separate visa for them if they want to migrate at a later date anyway?


well by the time they are grown and may consider the move which i very much doubt ther medical would of run out , but i think it may make the process to get them a visa easier, i understand if the mother dies then they go to the father but they dont see him and i very much doubt my partner would drag them to another country from all there other family and friends but its all ''what ifs'' i dont think the mother would sign a declaration that she wont let them do a medical...may have to take her to court this is looking like ..i know this takes at least 3 mths to get a hearing date and then she wont turn up as she hasnt in the past re access blabla...nightmare from hell.... we have been doing this for 2 years and now its almost done we get this! i just cant believe it..so gutted

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So if my children decided to come over to stay when they are 15 and 16, would they need another medical or is the waiver applicable?


My children had there Medicals even though they did not migrate with us and probably won't migrate for years to come due to being only 9 and 10 and their mother not allowing it, hence the reason why I found it strange why they needed a medical at my visa application if I needed to get them checked again in the future,

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So if my children decided to come over to stay when they are 15 and 16, would they need another medical or is the waiver applicable?


My children had there Medicals even though they did not migrate with us and probably won't migrate for years to come due to being only 9 and 10 and their mother not allowing it, hence the reason why I found it strange why they needed a medical at my visa application if I needed to get them checked again in the future,

They would require new Medicals but if they failed it then the waiver could be used, as passed previously.

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My eldest daughter was included on her Fathers Visa as non migrating and had to have a medical. She at age 10 had no intention of emigrating , but aged 15 she decided actually she would like to visit and low and behold loved it and stayed. Stranger things do happen.


awww thats a nice story :)

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