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Door locks

Guest Guest6235

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Guest Guest6235

We saw a nice house that we've done the application for but our only concern is the lock which is on the door from the kitchen/living area into the garage. It's not a closed off garage as you can walk from the side of the house through a tall fence/gate and once into the garden there is an bricked opening into the back of the garage, which therefore allows somebody to get to the said door. This lock is just a twisty lock on the round door handle with no other bolt at the bottom, anyone else have this.

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That lock you are talking about is like a hotel door lock, most of them are made by a Company over here called Gainsborough and beleive it or not they are like 5 lever dead bolt style locks same as a fancy Yale, nothing wrong with them, our current front door has one, the open garage concept over here is just a cheap way of building, we have viewed loads of these style properties and walked away as there is no security, owners and agents dont like you changing locks, if you do you have to provide keys to the owner and agent.

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