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What are the chances?

Lisa VCH

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Hello lovely perth pomers


We have had a chat with a migration agent and still aren't sure what to do.


We now have a realistic chance of passing the vetassess assessment (hurrah) However we will still need to get a 12 month job offer to apply for the 190.


It seems like a lot of stress to go through and not be able to proceed without a job.


Getting a job in perth from Norfolk seems tricky, but then I think that there are so many jobs on list 2 that surely this must be what lots of people are achieving?


Have lots of you managed this?


Thanks :smile:

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Hi Lisa, i am waiting to pay for my 190 visa in a couple of weeks and you shouldn't have to have work or anything like that. i just needed to show roughly $20,000 in my bank which they say is to support myself for 3 months when i get there because obviously i'll be looking for work when i land. That sounds like a condition of a 457 visa

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Hi Lisa!


My wife and I both applied for 190's through an agent a year and a half ago. The visa was granted in July 2014 and we then started looking for jobs. We planned to activate our visas in March 2015 knowing we'd then have 5 years to find jobs from the uk and move when successful.


But as it turned out, we both got jobs from the uk and now the visa activation holiday in March 2015 is our one way migration!


So it is possible. Good luck!!

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Thank you all for the replies.


On the official website it says that list 2 occupations need a 12month or more contract/job offer; (I've tried to copy and paste from WA site)

Subclass 190 visa

Have a contract of employment


for full-time employment


for at least

12 months in Western Australia in the nominated (or closely related





Very stormy, the occupation is Project Administrator.


To add to the confusion, the migration agent emailed saying that my husband's experience needs to be POST qualification (he's spent the last year finishing off the required qualification but has 15 years experience). However, on the vetassess website it says;


Program or Project Administrator (ANZSCO Code 511112)


This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma, in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation.


In addition to this, applicants must have at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level completed in the last five years in a field which is highly relevant to the nominated occupation. If employment is not post-qualification, then three additional years of highly relevant employment are required.



So (forgive me if I'm stupid) I think this is telling me that it doesn't matter if the qualification is after the experience as long as he has more than three years experience overall which he does. Who should I believe, the website or the migration agent?


To be honest I am getting a bit frustrated with this migration agent and am thinking of contacting George Lombard instead.


Thanks again :-)

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sorry i should have said I'm an Electrician, it must be slightly different for you then. I had major trouble with visa agents so did most of it myself, the best advice I found was to get up really early in a morning and call WA immigration office. They were really helpful and gave me all the facts but talk quick cos those calls cost :cute: my visa agent had done my EOI i waited 4 months and still no invite, I rang WA cancelled it and submitted my own and had an invite in 48 hours

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First, if you are not happy with your agent, then give another a call. George Lombard would be a good option and he has a very strong reputation.


If if your occupation is schedule 2 on the WA list, the. Yes, you need a job offer. Not easy to get, particularly as it would mean the employer keeping the job for you for months while the application is processed. Also, being schedule 2 is often a strong indicator that there aren't many jobs or there are lots of locals available for them.


Good luck.


  Lisa VCH said:
Thank you all for the replies.


On the official website it says that list 2 occupations need a 12month or more contract/job offer; (I've tried to copy and paste from WA site)

Subclass 190 visa

Have a contract of employment


for full-time employment


for at least

12 months in Western Australia in the nominated (or closely related





Very stormy, the occupation is Project Administrator.


To add to the confusion, the migration agent emailed saying that my husband's experience needs to be POST qualification (he's spent the last year finishing off the required qualification but has 15 years experience). However, on the vetassess website it says;


Program or Project Administrator (ANZSCO Code 511112)


This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma, in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation.


In addition to this, applicants must have at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level completed in the last five years in a field which is highly relevant to the nominated occupation. If employment is not post-qualification, then three additional years of highly relevant employment are required.



So (forgive me if I'm stupid) I think this is telling me that it doesn't matter if the qualification is after the experience as long as he has more than three years experience overall which he does. Who should I believe, the website or the migration agent?


To be honest I am getting a bit frustrated with this migration agent and am thinking of contacting George Lombard instead.


Thanks again :-)

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  verystormy said:
Sorry Bestie, but taking advice from immi is regarded as one of the worst things you can do. They often give wrong advice and are legally immune for doing so.



Oh ok I didn't realise I must have been lucky then, they told me a couple of things that contradicted my agent and turned out to be true. Then again my agent was working for Global visas aka IXP visas :(

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I really don't mean to put a downer on your original question but 'Project' roles are two a penny in this town. I've never worked with so many 'Project' people - administrators, managers, directors, it seems to be a catch all for almost anything that doesn't have a clear description.


If you're good and have specific experience in a field that is in demand then you may be very lucky to secure something from overseas but I'd advise coming on a reccie if you can. Line up some interviews or meetings and don't pin your hopes on agencies finding you anything, you'll likely have to do a lot of the legwork yourself.


Best of luck to you.

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Thanks everyone.


Portlaunay, the job is the problem. He has been told by agencies in perth that he shouldn't have a problem getting a job as a HR manager when he's out there, but has to go as the project thing to get there.


This brings me to another question, are you allowed to look for work whilst on a holiday visa?



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  Lisa VCH said:
This brings me to another question, are you allowed to look for work whilst on a holiday visa?




You're on holiday, the terms of your visa do not allow you to work (unless it's a working holiday visa of course). If you rock up with a handful of CV's and quali certs border control may be inclined to revoke your visa and send you home.

I don't think there's anything stopping you asking hypothetical questions though, talking to prospective employers, agents, professional registration etc. There have undoubtedly been a great number of people who've visited a different country on holiday, loved it, made speculative approaches about employment, returned home and sought the appropriate visa.

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