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visa application for nurses


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So I am new to this forum and don't really know where to start and sorry if this question has been asked already.

I am a mental health nurse and me and the family looking to come out soon, without going through an agent where is the best place to start. Do I submit my EOI, take my Ielts test or register with the Australian nursing board? It's such a minefield!!!!

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Hi Louloubelle,


the he first thing you need to do is take the academic ielts test and score above 7's in all sections. You will need this to apply for ANMAC (the skills accessor for nursing) and Aphra (Australian register) once you have passed your ANMAC assessment you can then put in your EOI and then once invited you can apply for visa...which will also include police checks and Medicals.


Can an I ask how much experience you have? (As it affects what ielts score you need for visa application) and also are you degree or diploma registered?



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As mentioned, you will need ILETS. Then you will need to have your skills assessed. There are a number of threads on here in the jobs section for nurses that will help.

I am guessing you are a degree qualified nurse?

once you have the skills assessment, then you lodge your eoi.


do carefully read immi.gov.au

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You will be more than fine. If you look for sponsorship I don't think you have to take the ielts?! It just depends on the route you choose to go. Xx


Nurses have to jump through a lot of hoops still even with sponsorship.


Sponsorship ip is a last resort visa.


It is is a temporary visa and should only be seen as that. If you elect to come on a 457, then you should do so with the assumption you will be going back to the UK at the end of it. There is no direct path to pr.


457 holders are also responsible for paying school fees for any children. Currently $4k per year, but expected to rise significantly. Older children are regarded as international students for the purpose of university - tens of thousands in fees and no governmet funding. Then there is the risk of what is sometimes known as the "457 trap". This is where the occupation is later removed from the list. Meaning there is no way of staying beyond the term of the 457 - not even an extension. This can happen to any occupation.

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I am currently going through this whole process, I have my Anmac skills assessment back and I also have my documents in ahpra in NSW ... I only have 20 months experience so I need to get all 8s in my ielts exam .. I am not on my 4th attempt ... Once I pass that I will be submitting my eoi and hopefully get the invite to apply with a visa, I have submitted quite a few posts of what documents I have sent to both anmac and ahpra .. I can try and advise the best I can ... Seems daunting but if your organised it isn't as stressful as you may thing ... The waiting and the timescales are the stressful part xx

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Hello if you apply for APHRA first you can then apply for ANMAC as a nurse currently registered in Australia even if you are still living in the Uk. The benefit of this is that you don't have to sit he dreaded ielts test .You would pay less for the ANMAC application and would not have to pay for ielts test which many people have to resit time over time. however you would have to fly in to Australia to collect your initial APHRA registration. just wanted to let You know an alternative way . hope it all works out well for you.

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So I am new to this forum and don't really know where to start and sorry if this question has been asked already.

I am a mental health nurse and me and the family looking to come out soon, without going through an agent where is the best place to start. Do I submit my EOI, take my Ielts test or register with the Australian nursing board? It's such a minefield!!!!


Hi Louloubelle,


If you have an agent, they should be doing A LOT the thinking for you, or at least guiding you and helping you make the many decisions. I know mine does xxxx


To give you an idea of time scale, we will have been at this process for 2 years in April. ( But I had another baby in between and that bloody slowed me down!)

General order of stuff we did,



IELTS 7's or 8 and above

Expression of interest

VISA application

Case officer

Medicals/police check


IELTS held me up, 5 times.

Getting the references for AMNAC was tricky as i have had a lot of jobs.

Sorting Previous work hours and how much you can claim for, was tricky, glad I had an agent for that part. ( that said loads of folk do it independanlty and fine)



My tip, would be save up now, get all your paperwork in order and do not start packing.

It can be done in 6 mths i think if you are on the ball and everything is straightforwad.


I have personally decided not to apply to APHRA, till I get a visa, as until you have that, in my opinion, no point registering with Nursing board. That said, there appears to be quite a delay. So be prepared for that maybe.

My agent has also warned me to check re APHRA yearly fee and when it is due, as you all know the NMC take a yearly payment, as do APHRA, but she said she has heard that if you registered with them, that you can end up paying twice, depending on the time of year and how they collect fees. ( I need to check in on this, could be wrong??)

Edited by LoopyLauren
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I am currently going through this whole process, I have my Anmac skills assessment back and I also have my documents in ahpra in NSW ... I only have 20 months experience so I need to get all 8s in my ielts exam .. I am not on my 4th attempt ... Once I pass that I will be submitting my eoi and hopefully get the invite to apply with a visa, I have submitted quite a few posts of what documents I have sent to both anmac and ahpra .. I can try and advise the best I can ... Seems daunting but if your organised it isn't as stressful as you may thing ... The waiting and the timescales are the stressful part xx


Gotta admire your tenacity AL, good luck to you.


if you have an agent, they should be doing A LOT the thinking for you, or at least guiding you and helping you make the many decisions. I know mine does xxxx


Good advice, let the agent do the worrying, that's what you're paying them for. Keep the pressure on them, they should be able to advise you of precisely what to do and when.

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My agent has also warned me to check re APHRA yearly fee and when it is due, as you all know the NMC take a yearly payment, as do APHRA, but she said she has heard that if you registered with them, that you can end up paying twice, depending on the time of year and how they collect fees. ( I need to check in on this, could be wrong??)


Registrations are due in May each year, but I'm guessing it's going to be pot luck if your registration is approved in May or not.

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