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Tax returns

Guest Guest6235

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Guest Guest6235

What things can you claim back on tax returns? Can you claim for appliances if you say they're for work etc and daycare for kids and has anybody got a name of somebody that does it for you & doesn't charge much. We've never had to do things like this before Cheers

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We saw an accountant last year . He was adding all sorts of stuff like suncream! We're keeping receipts for our new sunnies that we just bought for this year!! We used Joubert and Bain in Joondalup. Yep you pay a fee but bearing in mind that for your first return you won't have worked a full year it's worth it as they know what they can add on. I got nearly $6k in rebate! Won't get nearly as much this year but it was quite handy!

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We saw an accountant last year . He was adding all sorts of stuff like suncream! We're keeping receipts for our new sunnies that we just bought for this year!! We used Joubert and Bain in Joondalup. Yep you pay a fee but bearing in mind that for your first return you won't have worked a full year it's worth it as they know what they can add on. I got nearly $6k in rebate! Won't get nearly as much this year but it was quite handy!

What do they charge?

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I believe you can claim for anything that is related to your job. So if you can prove you work from home you maybe able to claim some electricity/internet etc. If you are a tradie you can claim for uniform/sunscreen etc. Don't take the piss though because they do audit people.


If you are a permanent resident you can claim for a rebate on daycare and this is not means tested, at the moment.

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