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1st days in Perth thoughts...


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So completed our first 24 hours in Perth and so far my thoughts have been:


1) Did I land in an actual oven (it was 37 degrees and the wind was HOT!)

2) Undertaking on the roads is ok??

3) A 21inch desktop Mac is like £750!! Electronics are CHEAP! as is meat - steak for tea kids!!

4) Fruit appears to be not so (went to woolworths though - any advice on cheap fruit/veg??)

5) 4x4 or Ute?

6) Areas are hard to work out just by looking and everyone has opposite opinions, just like home funnily enough :D

7) People are really very helpful here

8) Sand literally gets EVERYWHERE!


Anyone have anything to add :laugh:

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Lovely post and Welcome to WA. Veg - the supermarkets aren't great - don't know where you're staying but most malls seem to have an independent fruti/veg shop, Spud Sheds I believe are pretty cheap too - there's one in Jandakot and one in Kelmscott that I know of, Freo markets on Fridays and weekends

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So completed our first 24 hours in Perth and so far my thoughts have been:


1) Did I land in an actual oven (it was 37 degrees and the wind was HOT!)

2) Undertaking on the roads is ok??

3) A 21inch desktop Mac is like £750!! Electronics are CHEAP! as is meat - steak for tea kids!!

4) Fruit appears to be not so (went to woolworths though - any advice on cheap fruit/veg??)

5) 4x4 or Ute?

6) Areas are hard to work out just by looking and everyone has opposite opinions, just like home funnily enough :D

7) People are really very helpful here

8) Sand literally gets EVERYWHERE!


Anyone have anything to add :laugh:


1) Wait till it warms up a bit. 44 the other day was brutal for some.

2) Only on roads where the speed limit is under 90. But we all still do it on the freeway anyway.

3) Yes and Yes.

4) Places like Spud Shed appear to be cheaper, but I feel their stuff goes off quicker.

5) Both, get a 4x4 UTE.

6) Yup, but it's all pretty much the same.

7) You'll find the occasional jerk, but in general they are okay.

8) Move away from the coast and you'll be fine.

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Thinking back, my first thoughts were;


1. Wow, it's like the States

2. Roads are massive - 3 lanes and it's not a freeway???

3. Why are we the only ones on the beach? (It was August and 28 degrees)

4. A coffees just a coffee, right?

5. People are awesomely friendly, generous and helpful

6. Those old weatherboard houses are beautiful, I wish we could live in one (we do now)

7. I can do anything, be anything. Truly, out with the old and in with the new (This has been something of a mantra for me and now my life is a sooo different to how it was 4 years ago)

8. Everyone has a boat, I want a boat

9. People dedicate real time to switching off, relaxing and enjoying the outdoors

10. Man, people are fit, fit, fit (sharp slap on arm from wife!)

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Love your post!

1. yes, very hot and lucky that we are south of Perth where it is slightly cooler! Even luckier that we move to Margaret River tomorrow where the temperatures are even milder!

2. Undertaking is so common. Even more scary are the cars which filter in on surburban roads from the left and right (Old Coast Road, Mandurah!).

3. Meat is much better quality and cheaper than the UK

4. Coles for fresh fruit is my favourite. I've tried Woolworth, IGA and Spudshed but Coles seems to stay fresher longer (not the fruit lasts long in my house). Fruit prices are like a roller coaster. Strawberries were $8.98/kg when we arrived and went up to $12.98/kg over Christmas. Raspberries are way to expensive so the girls get to eat whatever fruit is reasonably priced at the time.

5. The sun UV rating reaches extreme levels frequently and being very pale I burn easily so have resorted to 30+ and reapply often after getting burnt when I first arriving (not a pleasant experience!).

6. Getting face, hands and neck burnt whilst in a car with aircon on is a first! The side windows are tinted but sun blasts in through the windscreen so for long trips I cover up and slap on the suncream!

7. Government Departments (Centrelink, Medicare, Department of Transport etc) have so far been an absolute pleasure to deal with!

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Welcome to Perth! It was hot for a few days!


Spudshed and Gilbert's are great for fresh veg. You can't beat prices like 79 cents for 500g of carrots at Spudshed. There are some farm shops that deliver as well but tbh I've not used them yet.

Edited by Lou8670
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hi there. we've been here since xmas eve. Yep its hot but you soon get your head around it. The other day when it was 44 was a bit much though. We've gone 4x4 as everyone seems to have massive cars and it just feels safer somehow. As for undertaking it's the same rules as the UK but no one seems bothered! Been overtaken by massive trucks is something that doesn't happen in the uk either so be prepared for that. We have found the farmers markets at waneroo to be the best bet for fruit and veg. Doesn't last for ever but is a lot cheaper than the supermarkets. Sand is an occupational hazard I'm afraid. Good luck. Where are you guys looking to live?

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hi glad your enjoying it, so much to get your head round can prepare, read up and listen to others experiences but personally when my girlfriend and i 1st got her (20/10/14) it was jut so surreal. Something we had talked and a planned for years and on arrival was completely sh*ti*g myself. "have i done the right thing, this place is massive oh my. can i survive out here" . Safe to say the next few days were an eye opener make a few mistakes get lost, but 4 months in we have our own place, both got jobs and making a few friends, which i think is the hardest thing over here making friends i pretty hard especially with my strong Glaswegian accent but fingers crossed so far its looking great. weathers amazing and the opportunities and there if want them. :cool:

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hi there. we've been here since xmas eve. Yep its hot but you soon get your head around it. The other day when it was 44 was a bit much though. We've gone 4x4 as everyone seems to have massive cars and it just feels safer somehow. As for undertaking it's the same rules as the UK but no one seems bothered! Been overtaken by massive trucks is something that doesn't happen in the uk either so be prepared for that. We have found the farmers markets at waneroo to be the best bet for fruit and veg. Doesn't last for ever but is a lot cheaper than the supermarkets. Sand is an occupational hazard I'm afraid. Good luck. Where are you guys looking to live?


I think a ute is probably a good idea with 3 kids and half the beach of sand which is coming back with us each day! We are staying in a rental in Warnbro and searching all areas to live! Its super hard because Matt hasnt a job yet we just arent sure where best to base ourselves. Loved Rockingham beach but schools not the best apparently, liked the feel of secret harbour but it could mean a massive commute if he has to go into the city or north, really loved melville/coogee/beeliar but ?school and finding a rental... urgh its so hard I just cant think about it any more!

Have done medicare, tax file number, rang ahpra and ranted (again), collected bank cards, car shopping tomorrow while matt rings a few contacts re possible work (fingers majorly crossed!!) - and BREATHE over the long weekend I think!

But you guys made me want to go to spudshed!!! :D

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Deciding where to live before you secure jobs is a headache! My hubby decided he didn't mind the commute from Secret Harbour but we were renting initially so we could always break lease if it came to it. Another thing which has kept us in Secret Harbour is the fact my eldest was offered a place at Frederick Irwin Anglican School.

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Welcome to Perth Matt& Beck. We have lived in Perth for 30yrs. Regarding undertaking on the Freeway. At one time you could drive in either lane at whatever speed you felt like providing it was'nt above the speed limit. About 20yrs ago it became illegal to drive in the outside lane below the speed limit. Some drivers still do & it leads to frustration, so they change lanes in order to overtake.

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I think a ute is probably a good idea with 3 kids and half the beach of sand which is coming back with us each day! We are staying in a rental in Warnbro and searching all areas to live! Its super hard because Matt hasnt a job yet we just arent sure where best to base ourselves. Loved Rockingham beach but schools not the best apparently, liked the feel of secret harbour but it could mean a massive commute if he has to go into the city or north, really loved melville/coogee/beeliar but ?school and finding a rental... urgh its so hard I just cant think about it any more!

Have done medicare, tax file number, rang ahpra and ranted (again), collected bank cards, car shopping tomorrow while matt rings a few contacts re possible work (fingers majorly crossed!!) - and BREATHE over the long weekend I think!

But you guys made me want to go to spudshed!!! :D


Take it you are enjoying the wonders of AHPRA like myself!

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