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Arrivals 2015 and Get togethers

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Hi All ....


Just thought it may be a good idea to say hi to all the new arrivals for this year.


We leave Wales in 2 weeks time, sooooo excited!!!!! So maybe we could all look at a get together? maybe the End of February 2015?


I am 28 like to socialise and a glass of red wine :wink: Hubby is 30 loves a pint and a chin wag lol oh a motor bikes

My children ... Ethan is 5 years old and football mad he would also love to meet new friends and my Daughter is 7 months old.


let me know your thoughts.


Kayli x


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just got my Visa, so Now I can say I AM HEADING OVER THIS YEAR TOO!!!!!! ( DEFO BEFORE Dec 30th, deadline)

Gosh you lot are making me feel a bit old for doing this though!

Me, 38, Hubby 32, Boys, 3.5 years and 10 mths. EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After one week of landing and only the hubby and kids to chat with, I can guarantee, I will be climbing the walls for other folk to chat/drink/laugh/moan/cry with!!!!!! So please count me in for any catch up's!

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Hi there,


We moved over in January so know how tough it is!! Were keen to meet people too!! If you want a beer and bbq just send me a message when you get here. The wife and I like a drink or two and our 7 month old son is no trouble!! We live in Meadow Springs. Good luck



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Hi Mark,


Not long now then!! We moved over to Meadow Springs in January, about 10 minutes from you. Send me a message when youre here, were keen to meet people. The wife and I are up for a beer and William our 7 month old is no bother at all!!



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