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Looking for friends


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Hey I'm 23 and from the North East of England looking for girly nights out, shopping, getting coffee ect. Looking to make good friendships as finding it hard being in a new country and missing my friends back in England. Please reply if looking for the same thing.




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Hey I'm 23 and from the North East of England looking for girly nights out, shopping, getting coffee ect. Looking to make good friendships as finding it hard being in a new country and missing my friends back in England. Please reply if looking for the same thing.





Hey, I know of a good social networking site to find new people in perth, the website is http://www.meetup.com. They have all sorts of groups you can join in perth such as young women in perth, girls night out, outdoor fun etc.. Good luck, hope this helps! I've recently moved from UK to, from Birmingham!

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Hi guys, I'm 21 (22 in 2 days), I moved here just at the end of January and I'm at uni but struggling to meet people. The people I'm at uni with have just come out of school so they're 17 and can't really go out and they live quite far away from me, I live in Waikiki in Rockingham. Anyway I moved here with my mum and younger brother and my older brother already lived here so I have family but I just don't know people. I don't think I'll settle properly until I can form some friendships out here so if anyone wants to meet for coffee or drinks that would be great!

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I arrive on wednesday 8th April. I'm travelling alone so I'll be looking to meet up and have a few drinks and what not.


I'm a guy mind so I don't like talking about fashion and girly things. But hey, I'm a laugh!


I'm stopping at a hostel (Wickham Retreat) so I'll be moving around a bit.


Feel free to message me or reply to the thread and we'll meet up. :)





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