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Climax/Anti Climax

Guest A380

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Hi all.


I guess this thread is aimed at those of you who have recently arrived in Perth. Bearing in mind the angst, worry and stress that is involved in any migration application I would like to ask this.


Has Perth lived up to all your expectations. We all know the stories we hear of Australia before we leave the UK, to some Australia is a paradise, to some a nightmare, but for the vast majority of us we find Australia has many good and bad points, normally more good points though. Has the vision of Australia you had before you left lived up to expectations? Did you expect it to be the end of all your worries? Did you expect your life to be TOTALLY different? Or did you arrive in full knowledge that Australia would still take some work to assimilate into?


I guess what I am trying to say is simply this. Are you truly happy that you made the decision to leave the UK, and have found Perth to be a place where you THINK you can make your future.


Thank you.

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I will get in first, and per my handle, be up front. I have lived here for 7 years and my wife is from here, a Perth girl. She works as a check out chick in a store in the north of the city and everyday speaks to literally 100's of immigrants. Some shifts she says that she may only speak to a handful of Aussies. Anyway....


For every one that says they love it she tells me there are literally dozens who say they would go back in a minute if their other half agreed.


That is a worrying statistic to be honest.


I know that some people will tough it out but a lot will remain very unhappy for a long time. My wife reckons that there is a band wagon in the UK that folk are jumping on that somehow says the"grass is greener".


Perth is a great place if you have a young family and you can stick it out but the volume of immigrants now who are finding it tough says it all.


Good luck.

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Guest Bob Tonnor

This is an interesting piece, although a touch out of date 3412.0 - Migration, Australia, 2006-07. I also think that the problems in Europe are going to help increase the grass is greener on the other side mentality that seems to be growing back in the UK and Europe, i suppose it will help hold up the increases in house prices down here!



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It gets really complicated, within our family of 4 there are 2 who love it, and 2 who merely tolerate it, but would happily go home tomorrow. Then it gets more complicated when you have children at critical stages in their education, you can't keep disrupting them.

There is also the financial aspect of moving countries, I wouldn’t want to bear that too many times in one lifetime!

I have found it very hard going, but I gave up the most to come here and gained the least.

But all said and done I have no regrets and it better than dying wondering.

(One of the problem with expectation of life here is that people in Britain feel so hard done by, but the truth it is still one of the best places in the world to live, that’s why we have 550,000 legal immigrants each year and God only knows how many illegal’s).

I can’t see me in it for the long haul, but if my family is, I guess I will be too!

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It gets really complicated, within our family of 4 there are 2 who love it, and 2 who merely tolerate it, but would happily go home tomorrow. Then it gets more complicated when you have children at critical stages in their education, you can't keep disrupting them.

There is also the financial aspect of moving countries, I wouldn’t want to bear that too many times in one lifetime!

I have found it very hard going, but I gave up the most to come here and gained the least.

But all said and done I have no regrets and it better than dying wondering.

(One of the problem with expectation of life here is that people in Britain feel so hard done by, but the truth it is still one of the best places in the world to live, that’s why we have 550,000 legal immigrants each year and God only knows how many illegal’s).

I can’t see me in it for the long haul, but if my family is, I guess I will be too!


Well said Greg.


I have to agree. Though at times we can all get caught up with seeing Australia as our dream location I couldn't agree more with your thoughts that the UK is still one of the best places to live in the world.


Whilst I for the most part love Australia and the Australians I will always look upon the UK with great affection and defend it if at all possible. No country is perfect. It is very easy to get caught in the trap of knocking EVERYTHING about the UK. When in reality it has many good points as well as bad. It just seems at times that the problems in the UK are the only ones highlighted by some quarters of society and indeed the press.


Thanks once again.

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  • 1 month later...

well were here and we are going to give it our best shot , 2 years is what we said and were allready on our second , strange though its only family that pulls us( same language different culture here) , time will tell for us its been an up hill struggle nothing has gone to plan , but we really like the lifestyle that perth offers us right now as a family .. time will tell.

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Welcome to WA now you will become a Waussie, Wait Awhile...our state is pretty popular lately because of the wealth of the minerals here, our life style is quite a bit slower than the eastern states. We are`nt in such a hurry each day, we have the country within 59kls of the centre of Perth, in any direction. Lake lechanaultia out on Great Eastern H`way in John Forest National Park, etc. King`s park, The zoo, lots of coffee shops to watch life pass you by..

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