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RACISM..sensitive issue but need honest advice as a concerned mummy


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we are on a 189 (Still waiting for CO) my 7yr old is mixed race and is currently having a little trouble at school re his skin colour (kids saying his skin is brown and laughing) nothing we both cant handle atm but wanted to ask re this very very sensitive issue, i have no idea how to put this question out there in fear of offending someone, but i have to try and ask, so here goes .. has anyone experienced this kind of issue out in oz?

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Kids can be very cruel!

I will give my view based on my experiences, I can spot 'issues' a mile off due to some previous training, whilst its not that relevant, take the 'r' off my username and you can guess what my boy gets called

However, I have NEVER seen any form of racism at all in Oz anytime I have ever been there, yes, you get the old school who use certain words as slang, but they use it as a saying, not what we expect it to mean

In any event, Oz has such a range of nationalities, my guess is that you need'nt worry, dont let 1 or 2 people (or childrens behaviour) influence you that this is how the majority react

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I can only speak from our experience so far. My daughters school has a large range of kids from different backgrounds so lots of different coloured skin and they all seem to play together without issue. I think as it is very multicultural here (compared to where we lived in the uk) the kids are used to it and don't look as someone with another colour of skin as different.

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There are loads of threads on this. All generally agree "not really, but you'll always get a few idiots".


But also there are terms used that to English ears would be racist, but are not generally meant in that derogatory way. It's just that Australians shorten every word there is.

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