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Is Medicare Available for 489 Visa Holders


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Hi, we are currently in the process of obtaining a 489 Provisional Family Sponsored Visa. Could anyone please explain how (or even if) Medicare is available to 489 visa holders? I hear that a UK/Australia reciprocal health agreement contributed towards Medicare cover. Would we require full private healthcare in addition to any Medicare benefits? Estimating an average healthcare plan for a family of 4 costing approx $300 per month.

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You will get Medicare. However, it isn't the same as the NHS and many people - even citizens - take private cover, particularly for dental as this is purely private and can be very expensive.

Also ambulances are private here, so many people take cover for that. An accident sees a bill of $700 plus.


Depending on on what you earn, it can also be necessary as higher earners pay a levy - effectively higher tax if you don't have cover.

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