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A very quick hello from the Arctic


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Hi everyone


Just got a minute and thought i would post a pic from my home for the next few months.


I arrived in northern Sweden late yesterday afternoon and am located about 150km north of the arctic circle.


The attached is taken from my front door.


The weather has been actually great. It was about -10 this morning when i got up and headed for a high of 2c with bright sunshine, so in the sun, it can feel warm enough to just have a tshirt on. Though we are expecting a cold snap at the weekend heading for -20 and heavy snow.


Will be learning how to use my snowmobile later and will post a couple more pics




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First, i have decided i deserve a pic of me looking cool (that is a very hard thing for me to get) so here is one of me at work yesterday.


Today, is my day off - i get one a fortnight - and i offered to cook a sunday roast for my team who are all at work. That though meant a trip to the shops on my own to buy everything. Most of it went well, though trying to explain i wanted something like duck fat to a shop assistant who only spoke broken english was not easy and i am cooking the spuds in oil instead. The really fun thing though was buying the meat. Not as easy as you might think. I was able to recognise the reindeer meat simply because it was by far the most common. I would have gone for that, but two of my housemates havent tried it yet and are a bit picky with food. I have had it several times and it is by far the most amazing meat i have ever had. So, i thought pork - i do a mean roast pork with the best crackling. But, after spending ages looking, i decided to check by hunting down an english speaker. Good job, as it turned out the piece i had picked was a pickled ham! Looked raw, but apparently not. So, i thought beef. That is easy to recognize. So, i bought a nice looking one and brought it home. I wasnt sure though of the cut, so thought i had better use google translate to check to work out cooking times. Well, it seems we are actually having moose for dinner!


Anyway, a pic of me at work


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Hi Porty


Well, it is early afternoon here, and we have warmed up to a balmy -5. Heading down to a -15 tonight. But, in the sunshine, it doesnt feel it. I was just on the balcony having a smoke in a pair of shorts and tshirt and wasn't cold. Though, if the wind picks up, it can feel bitter cold and nights are cold - went to the pub last night and it was pretty cool! Though the houses are very warm. Underfloor heating is the norm and very snug.


Yes, we get arctic chad - it is a popular pastime for the locals - they have little cabins on the lakes and drill holes through the ice to fish for them. Haven't had one yet, but heard they are fantastic. Then we get all the north sea fish sent in frozen - cod and haddock and things.


The northern lights are stunning and i see them most nights. I often fall asleep with the green flicker through my window. They are visible pretty much every night.

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Sounds like you're having an awesome time (between working) stormy!

I can highly recommend Reindeer carpaccio if you get the chance to try it. Cloudberries are lovely too!

Very very jealous that you get to see the lights. They were a pre emigration bucket list item for us, but they didn't play ball while we were there (much further south) so still on the list for us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought i would give an update and hope to have some pics of my dog sledging adventure later today.


Yesterday i drove to Norway for the day. Its about 2 hours drive, though it took me 3.5 due to me stopping to take pictures and i am still getting used to driving on ice - the roads are not salted but the car tyres have little metal spikes on them, but you can still slide and the roads are narrow and winding and 90kmh.


Still loving the snow and ice and thinking about spending a bit of time on the snow mobile this afternoon. There is a trail up a big hill and a little shack at the top that sells coffee and nibbles and has great views.


I am appreciating the culture and way of life, but not having a lot of luck with the language - not easy as it doesnt even use the same alphabet. But, most people can speak at least some english.


Anyway, here is a pic of Norway.


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Looks cold..............I spent a couple of weeks working in Malmo in the middle of winter, give me WA any day of the week, sounds like you are enjoying it, it looks absolutely fabulous, but for me, I reserve that sort of adventure for short holidays.

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