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Hi everyone


just signed up to the forum as my wife and I are emigrating to Perth this year, this forum is great for help and tips from people that have been through it! To cut a long story short my father in law lives in Perth and has done for 12 years or so, my wife and I moved there back in 2010 after visiting Perth for 5 weeks and falling in love with the place! We returned home and within 2 months we had sold all our stuff and jumped back on the big bird with working holiday visas! It was great I found work almost immediately being a qualified first class welder and my wife found a great job with Maurice Meade hair salon! Due to certain issues through out the year we left Australia after 12 months and returned home, also convinced we missed the uk and our friends! Well after 3 years and a 4 week holiday to Perth last year we have decided to stop living week by week on crud wages here in the UK and get our backsides there for good this time! No matter how many hours we work here we can't make ends meet! And truth is when we lived in Perth we earnt so much money between us it was silly! (Yes why did we return home...DOH!!) Luckily we still had the details of our agent who came highly recommended through my father in law and his work colleagues. So we payed him a visit whilst on holiday and basically signed on the dotted line and started the ball rolling on a skilled independent visa in my trade!


So far I have gathered all my information for my trade i.e trade certificates and qualifications, pay slips, proof off full time employment, references from my employers throughout the years and much more! Sent it all off and today got the email saying I had passed step 1 and I am now allowed to complete either a technical interview or practical interview! Well I don't mind what I do, but I have heard the practical could take longer for receiving a date?? Is this true? If so I would rather the technical interview! Either way it's still nerve racking, 11 years in the trade and you start doubting yourself and asking yourself if you really know everything! I would like to know what a technical interview is like if anyone can give me there experiences on them.


Away from that I also have to do the IELTS test, reading on here I'm guessing it's a pain in the backsides, I have done some mock test's available on YouTube and will also be getting a couple of 1 hour lessons just to be sure I don't completely fail! Again any advice would be highly appreciated!


Its crazy how how much you have to do but its going to be worth it!! Sorry for boring on with my whole story, I wanted to post about my whole experience so far!


Look forward to speaking to you all!



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Hi Tucker,


Welcome - don't worry about boring us - we're all the same here, and all in the same boat - I can't help with the technical interview vs practical, but I did do the IELTS...twice.


You're right, its just a pain in the backside. But its an easy way to boost the points score.

Don't take for granted any of it will be easy. You'll be putting pressure on yourself due to what is at stake, I know I did!

Reading, triple check all the answers, you'll have plenty of time. Make sure you're answering them in the way they want (this will make more sense when you see the test), some of them ask for a type of answer for say questions 1-5, then something slightly different for say 6-10. I screwed this up, but realised on the final check and had time to correct them.

The listening is done is short sections of about 5 questions each. Look at the 5 questions that you're about to hear the answers for. The answers all come in order. I didn't know this on the first test and got flustered because of it. I was trying to listen for everything at once - knowing they come in order helps hugely.

Writing, don't go under the word count. Again, take your time - you'll have plenty. A lot of the writing will depend on the subjects you get. No much you can do about that though.

Speaking - should be a doddle if you're a native English speaker - again, you can get asked some odd questions that would be more suited if you weren't a native english speaker (or someone from the UK), but if you are they will seem odd and can put you off you stride.

Good luck


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Thanks for the help! Yeah I will be making sure I practice practice practice leading upto IELTS! Yeah I feel the pressure already, I don't want to stumble and fail anything and delay things any further so I always feel that pressure, I know how badly I want to be there and also my wife feels the same! Hopefully things will be ok! I've always got advice on here if I get stuck which is good!



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