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shipping co booked- 4 week to go.


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Just had confirmation that John masons are coming next thurs/friday. Our house completes 2nd April then move to mother in laws until we fly out 13/14th April (found few flights but not booked yet until house is definitely completed)

People keep asking me how I feel, if I'm 'ready' and my answer is I don't feel anything yet really. Will this change?

As the shipping co have to pack everything I feel like I can't do much. Do I need to be doing anything to make it easier? I feel like i should be doing something seen as though it's such a massive move ??

Any advice would be much appreciated xx

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i was exactly like you hun people i spoke to were nervous and worried but me on lol i was thinking omg I'm worried I'm not worried if u know what i mean ha ha


It is a massive move your right but take it all in your stride you will be fine its tough but once you have a car and house you can start to make progress.

have you got any children partner etc??


Good luck



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I am in the same boat have no feeling off what im gonna be like when I say the goodbyes but I know I am excited to be going. I keep getting cant believe your leaving your friend she will be lost when your gone ( i dont think so she has 3 kids she is a nana and has a job and other friends) im sure she will be fine hahaha. I am hoping house completion is on the 1st April and hoping to get flights booked for the 18/19th April :-)


This next 2 weeks is goona be crazy as container still not booked and i want it here for the 30th :arghh: Lets hope OH works get a shift on


Good luck with everything

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We are looking to move to Secret Harbour OH is working in Kwinnia Beach (not sure how you spell it ha) near rockingham I need to find a school for my 16 nearly 17 year old daughter and comet bay looks nice and heard its ok Waiting to see if I can get her in there. Where about's are you moving to?

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