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Pardon me I'm not a pom but l do want to move to Perth.

Guest Rocheal

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Guest Rocheal

Hi Everyone, Pardon me for crashing your fantastic forum.:biggrin: We are looking to relocate our huge family to Perth and this forum is the only one I have found which seems rather helpful. I hope you don't mind me crashing and hope you can perhaps allow an aussie to get to know some of you with the view of hopefully catching up for a few BBQ's and drinks in Perth.

We are 2 adults (aged 30 and 40) and 5 children (aged 13, 12, 10, 8 and 9months) we live in Mount Gambier South Australia (a cold slow boring place) we may have the opportunity to relocate for work to sunny Perth however if that doesn't come through we will be aiming at moving within 2 years. I am particularly keen to touch base with people who have or are moving to the Northern suberbs of Perth Clarkson, Kinross etc Very keen to hear from people who have children attending school in those areas. I also have a soccer mad son currently playing high level soccer so I need to touch base with some people who also have aspiring beckhams to cater to.


I hope to hear from you soon.

Kindest regards all of us at the Mad House

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Hi Rocheal

In many ways, we're the gate crashers, so you're most certainly welcome on the forum:smiloe:

Unfortunately, I can't help regarding the areas you're interested in, as I'm over in Melbourne at the moment, but hopefully one of the members will be able to offer you some assistance.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Rocheal


It would be good if you moved and that would get some Australians into the suburbs you mention!!


The northern suburbs are all bright, shiny and new and full of Poms and if that is what you like, shiny and new not just Poms, then it is ideal. However if you like older style housing then you may need to consider other suburbs either more central to the city or out towards the hills.


Schooling in the northern suburbs is also affected by the volume of incomers and my friends up there have a 5 year old son, Aussie, in a class of 20 where he is only one of three non Poms. Again a personal choice thing but there are upsides and downsides to that style of schooling.


It really is a personal choice but one thing is for sure if you want to be near football (the real name for soccer) buffs then the northern suburbs are for you.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest Rocheal

Well we made it finally. We have settled in Mindarie, got the football head into the Ocean Reef Soccer program, now the fun stuff, finding swim school for 18 month old, playgroup, meeting and making friends, finding a hockey club, football club, netball club and that magic thing called spare time lol.

Getting there have got Joondalup City FC lined up for Mr 13, got Joondalup Strickers for Mr 14 for Hockey, got small sided soccer for Miss 9 and got 10 playgroups in my area to check out. nothing like having choice.

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