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ielts test


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Lou Lou, only you will know how much you need to revise. The advice I would give is to research on you tube and some IELTS websites and take some mock test, that way you will be able to gauge how much revising you need, also it's not a cheap thing to keep karting so I would say revise as much as you can.

all the best with your exam

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I bought an official IELTs book, just to familiarise myself with how the test was structured. Did a few practice tests and talked to myself like a nutter on my breaks at work to practice the speaking. (in the couple of weeks leading up to the test) and managed to walk away with 9 overall in the first go. As soon as you get used to the fact they could care less about the truth of your statements Only how you convey them, it gets a lot easier. I will always remember being asked to speak for two minutes about this subject "What local produce is your home town famous for"......I talked about aircraft! Good luck

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I did the test on Saturday and not an experience I want to go through again. I dont know what other peoples experiences were (especially if you undertook the test in Leeds) but I found the facilitators very rude, unwelcoming and spoke to us like children. I appreciate it is under strict examination conditions but still, I feel like makig a complaint. After sitting there for over an hour after registration at my desk waiting for the test to get under way, I felt I was doing ok until the reading part which I just found difficult to fully read and understand the 3 very boring articles then having to answer very inconspicuous questions. The speaking test (which I did on the same day but had a 3.5 hour wait after the first 3 parts had finished) went ok, if I failed that then ther is a problem!!! So now eagerly waiting my results which I will get a week on Friday. Im not sure what advice I would give you other than just to familiarise yourself with each section, I suppose it all depents on what topics/subjects you get asked on the day.

Good luck, I hope you do well, try not to stress about it, I found the worst part the unwelcoming, frosty atmosphere!!!

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Oh God sounds horrendous, just how I imagine !!! lol Sitting there for over an hr too, just like sitting there?? ... cheeky things, prob full of too much self importance. I would wait for results before complaining ;) I'm sure you'll be fine, so u can throw in complaint after that. Eugh sounds a pain more than anything, mines in Manchester. Hate things like this, would rather sit a 3 hr science exam haha... Aww babe I hope u do well, just so you don't have to sit it again. Keep me updated, I have everything crossed for u. It will all be worth, just wish we could go now!! xx

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I did mine in Cambridge and had a 4.5 hour wait for the speaking I was last =) when I did mine out of the very many people there 3 of us where from the UK. Felt a bit like cattle at times. I was glad I didn't need to do it more than once. It was a really long day with the travel etc. Anyone who is brave enough good luck and practice practice practice.

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Hi louloubelle,

Your experience sounds very much like mine,i sat mines on the 18th April in Glasgow so results this Friday.I was the same as you,checked in & waited an hour at my desk before the exam started which wasn't ideal.Then after the morning session i had to wait 3 hrs before i got taken for the Speaking part.That aside i think the test went ok,struggled a bit on the final part of the Reading section but answered everything so hope i guessed right with the ones i wasn't sure of.Fingers crossed you get the results you need.

Edited by TartanGary
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Hi there I did mine on the 18th my 4th go !! This one was the general though as I need 8's. I have always found the reading really hard on the academic test but this one was much easier.the writing I struggled to get everything down so it is that one I am most worried about. And the ridiculous questions on the speaking test , who thinks of these stupid questions!! And I know exactly what you mean about the staff, it's more strict than gcse or uni exams, daren't bloody move !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I got my results today and thank god I passed. Listening 8,reading 7, writting7, speaking 9, overall 8. I am shocked, I thought I had messed up big time with the reading. I'm just so relieved I don't have to go through it all over again. Good luck to anyone else due to sit there's soon

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So I got my results today and thank god I passed. Listening 8,reading 7, writting7, speaking 9, overall 8. I am shocked, I thought I had messed up big time with the reading. I'm just so relieved I don't have to go through it all over again. Good luck to anyone else due to sit there's soon


Woopooohooooooo well done @louloubelle that's awesome news!!!! So happy for you xx

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Thanks you jenpen I am still dancing about it . Good luck for your husband today cocolevi I hope it goes well, it's the waiting for 13 days for the results that's awful. Let us know how he gets on


yes I know the waiting is going drive me mad, how will I cope with everything else lol. Will post as soon as we hear x

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So I got my results today and thank god I passed. Listening 8,reading 7, writting7, speaking 9, overall 8. I am shocked, I thought I had messed up big time with the reading. I'm just so relieved I don't have to go through it all over again. Good luck to anyone else due to sit there's soon


Loulou you are lucky you didn't need 8s for your points. Congratulations on getting what you needed.

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