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Beginner in need of some help.


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Hi guys, my first time posting on here and was wondering if any of you have any advice for my current situation.


So im out in Australia at the moment (Perth) on a 417 working holiday visa and have been here for the last 6 months. I am currently pursuing the options of staying in Australia on a permanent basis. However, at present, I am what the immigration department describe as unskilled, with no real trade or skill set I can offer the government.


The company I work for at the moment offer no real sponsorship opportunities, not that I am sure that I could gain a sponsorship anyway, with my lack of skill set.


My questions are: Has anyone ever encountered a situation such as this and managed to find a sponsorship?


If I had to return to the UK, what qualifications would I need to emigrate permanently out to Australia? I am currently working as a labourer in the building trade, which is booming at present, however, it is my understanding that a few of the trades such as bricklayer have only just been recognised and put on the skilled list in WA. Not sure I would want to take the risk of a full time qualification / apprenticeship only for it to be taken off the list in a year or two.


I have spoken to an immigration specialist, and he confirmed my only options for staying are to find a sponsorship or study, however he strongly advised against studying in Aus as a way of only gaining permanent residency for the exact same reason as I just mentioned, I could lose upwards of $50,000 which has to be self funded for the skill to be removed from the list.


So im kind of open to most options should I have to return to the UK, just not sure what qualifications that are obtained in UK are recognised in Australia as a way to emigrate.


Im also aware that I can do my regional work as a way to gain a 2nd year, its an option, however I was looking at more permanent options.


Any advice will be gratefully received.


Thanks in advance.



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The problem is that every occupation on the skilled lists could come off, although things such as nursing have remainded reasonably constant, however, with hospitals now finding difficulties in placing their own Australian graduates, that is something that perhpas cannot be guarenteed in the 3 years it would take for you to train.


I'd do your 3 month regional and get your 2nd year

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