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Off to have our medicals today!! Arrhhh.......


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So the day has finally come to have our medicals. It has taken over two years to get to this stage. We thought the day would never come. After so many knock backs from the ielts and also different visas we had applied for we are now within touching distance of getting our 189!!

Would it be weird if we said after all we have been through and now at final stages it's only now we are getting the jitters. We are driving to our medicals now with our two little boys and saying omg what are we doing. I'm sure others have felt like this at this stage. All the same its still by far the scariest decision to uproot everything you have ever known and try and make a new start so far away just because our boys will have a better future (hopefully)

would be lovely to hear if others are feeling or have felt the same as us xxx

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Duffieldtowers......what did they say?? So we've had the medicals now. Complete waste of money if u ask me. We paid €690 and Paid €70 each for the kids and I don't actually know what we paid for. All the doctor did was was ask me how I think the boys are doing. Having this done is just another money racket for the government! O well that's it now, now we just have to sit tight again waiting xx

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My wife and daughter asked the same questions when we were heading to Stoke for our 457 medical. Neither actually wanted to come. Yesterday I asked them if we went back in time would they still come. And they said.....


I'm sure I read the answer on another site on another thread today :cute:...

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Hi, we had our visa medical just over a week ago and felt exactly the same, had our two boys there and thought what on earth are we thinking!! Got our visa grant a week after the medical, Friday just gone! Now I'm full of excitement! But I know the jitters will be back again though! All normal so I'm told! Thank god!! X

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bouncy.....omg I can't believe you got your visa so quickly., when are you thinking of going We were told today it takes 7 days for our chest X-rays to get uploaded onto the system and we are thinking it could be 2months from now. Maybe we're wrong? Either way 7 days or 7 moths still scary. I just think this process has taken forever I just thought this day would never come. My oh has done everything for this visa, ielts, exams etc so I feel the same as you (Jo and Scott) xx

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Hi @Millie1978 I was expecting a longer wait than a week so fab surprise! It seems to vary from place to plCe depending where you get your medical done! We handout medical done on the Wednesday and they told us it would be uploaded by Friday at latest subject to bloods being ok! Where are you getting yours? Ours was bridgewater manchester! We hope to get out there August time ish! What about you? How old are your children?

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Wow! Our boys are 4 and 2 too!! What a coincidence!! Haven't decuded on an area yet but lie the look of secret harbour, but til we are there I guess we'll just keep looking around the southern suburbs as I'll hopefully be working in mandurah! I'm a paediatric nurse! What do you do? Have you any idea where you'll settle? When are you planning to make the move??

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Hi, I feel just the same, husband has done it all and now our medicals are near it's all a bit scary. We started the process March 2014 and I couldn't wait and now I'm more... I'm not ready! Sure we will settle fine but it's so nerve wrecking! We are lucky to hopefully be moving not too far away from my brother in law and family so hopefully they will settle us in ok!

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We are hoping to go straight after the school summer holidays so early September. I'm dreading the goodbyes and the aeroplane part too. Keep thinking of the bigger picture and how happy I'm hoping we will all be once we are there. It's such a big change its got to be expected to feel like this x

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We are the same, late August earlt sept! Do you have children? I worry for them the most, such s big change for them, but in reality they'll cope better than we will! It's an adventure at the end of the day!! Do you know where your going to settle? Do you have jobs sorted??

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fingers crossed for your medicals, we have ours on the 2nd may, im actually dreading them to be honest. scott has done everything up until now, but I know its needs to be done.


Hi Jo,


We have literally just got home from our medicals and saw this so thought I have to write and let you know how much fuss and anxiety I have wasted in these coming months... They were easy! The doctor was lovely, had a little chat about history then a quick examination of Blood pressure, pulse, listen to chest, check to see arms and legs have full range of movement, quick tummy feel, look in eyes ears and mouth and a sight check as I wear glasses to drive... And that was it!! There's also a chest X-ray, height, weight, a urine sample and bloods for HIV which was all done before we saw the doc, but they were all so Lovly and relaxed. I hope this week goes quick for you and you can get them out the way... We are on the home straight now! Xx

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