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Partner visa


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Hi Steph,


I applied for my partner visa in September 2013, and at that time, it was 8-9 months processing time. I know the waiting is awful, but I just put it to the back of my mind. You start doubting whether you'll get it, thinking of extra things you could have added in to your evidence, and wondering what on earth they're doing. I think it's just a matter of course. Sure enough, almost 8 months to the day after they received my application, my visa was granted. I doubt very much you'll hear anything before the 12 month mark, but the time will fly afterwards. We spent another 7 and a half months in London after my visa was granted, and it felt like it was gone so quickly. It's hard waiting, but don't wish the time away.

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I applied for my partner visa in July 2014 and was told process time was 12/15 months.

just wondered if anyone had applied around this time and if they had heard anything yet. The waiting is awful


Hi Steph,

I applied for my partner visa at the very end of June 2014 and had mines granted only a few weeks ago. Hang in there! When did you do your medicals?

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We did out Medicals in August/September can't remember exact date.

Did they just email u telling u your visa had been granted or did they contact you before and ask for more information ?

Im paying school fees for my daughter while I'm on a bridging visa and it's $11000 a year which is a real strain

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We did out Medicals in August/September can't remember exact date.

Did they just email u telling u your visa had been granted or did they contact you before and ask for more information ?

Im paying school fees for my daughter while I'm on a bridging visa and it's $11000 a year which is a real strain ��


Are you onshore just now? I thought it was less time to complete it if you are already in Aus?


Yeah they just emailed one morning with the visa grant approved.

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The immi website is currently saying 6-8 months for partner visa, but that's for applications out of Aus. What's the visa you entered on? We would be interested in that as hubby's work might be coming to an end in next couple of months and I'd rather not go back to UK while waiting for partner visa if we can help it. Are you able to work on your visa? Thanks

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Thanks Steph


I've actually seen that 'in Aus' applications are still saying 12/15 months (I didn't realise at first that they were two different visas).


Me and hubby are currently filling in the application - can anyone give me guidance on how much info they expect? Eg for the explanations of nature of financials, nature of household, etc we've used hardly any of the allocation!! But we do have a very straightforward life so I feel like we've summed it up pretty succinctly. How much do people write for that?


Then it asks about past relationships?! We've been together for 11 years, neither have been married or even engaged before. Maximum we have is I lived with a guy for a couple of years - but it ended when I was 20!! And I'm not even sure of the spelling of his surname now never mind his date of birth. But does it sound weird if we simply say 'no' to past relationships?


Thanks for any input

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In regards to how much information they expect, it's a lot. We sent our application, which was about an inch thick and cost a small fortune to send recorded thanks to the weight of all that paper, and then I got an email asking to provide even more! I couldn't believe it. So we scrambled around and found even more stuff, like old wedding invites with both our names, old holiday confirmation emails, old tax returns from when we had lived in Aus before. I think they like a variety of things. Less is not more in this case. And I wouldn't worry about the past relationship thing, we both put no. I don't think it's weird.


Hope that helps.

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