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Nurse skills assesment question ?


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Hi all ,

just had a conversation with my migration agent and feeling a little stressed!

We are going for PR visa and initially where told that because my degree will not be passed until christmas - i dont have to worry as it wont effect skills assesment all i need is usual paperwork , ilets etc etc .


So we paid our cash and wanting to get it all sorted asap ................ However now this other agent has just told me that for skills assesment i DO need to include degree ?!? I told him that chap who tempted us to go with this migration firm that i didnt need to include degree yet , so hes going to check and get back to me.


Sorry if this sounds confusing - its confusing me writing it ;o)


Just annoyed that paid alot of cash - that if this is the case i didnt need to pay until after Christmas ........ feeling abit cheated if this is the case!


So any nurses out there that can help i would be most gratful x


Kindest Regards



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Are you qualified already? If so, unless the ANMAC have changed their skills assessment criteria in line with AHPRA you should be OK. Is your agent confusing AHPRA with ANMAC?


Hi Ali

( pm'd you also ) ..... I am qualified here in the UK band 6 deputy in cardiac with 14 years experience , but as for getting registered im booking in to do the dreaded ilets ( after failing 3 times already so needed a break from it ) - but then getting all paper work ready for skills assessment ? is this to be recognised in australia ? and is it for aphra or amnc ? EEK i dont know !

We chose an agent because weve been messed about so much trying ourselves ...... and im still as confused as ever !


I was told that the degree was only needed when you start work or you can do a bridging skills test in WA - but that costs a fortune , feel so let down again by it all .... we just want to get ball rolling !


Also our house goes on the market in a couple of weeks - and beacuse we will break mortgage we have to pay redemtion fee of £7k - but if wait till get degree in dec/jan we may as well sell next year and theres no redemtion fees .


Gosh , sorry for my mega moan !


Thanks so much for reply


Lisa x

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Hi there yes I also applied to anmac and then they changed their rules also, so they emailed me back saying I need to prove I can get registered by aphra before they will assess me. So although they say you don't need a degree for anmac you kind of do! I am not happy either x



Hi Claire , thanks for reply .... yep so anoyed - but even more so is that im paying for an agent - but we cant do anything until i get my degree in december !!!


And even more annoyed that this agency is one everyone recomonds on here - Not a good start!


thanks for reply though ;o)


Lisa x

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I am doing it alone but so far I haven't actually got anywhere due to the changes Anmac have put in place. I have done ielts academic 3 times and finally got the 7's I needed for anmac/aphra and now need to get 8's in the general for extra visa points. I also cannot do anything until finish degree in September so feeling totally deflated as we wanted to go in February. Already paid and sent off my anmac though which is annoying too x

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I am doing it alone but so far I haven't actually got anywhere due to the changes Anmac have put in place. I have done ielts academic 3 times and finally got the 7's I needed for anmac/aphra and now need to get 8's in the general for extra visa points. I also cannot do anything until finish degree in September so feeling totally deflated as we wanted to go in February. Already paid and sent off my anmac though which is annoying too x


Hey claire why do you have to do ilets twice ? youve passed academic so why general next ?

will keep in touch - good luck ;o)

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Hi I need to get 8's on the ielts so I can gain extra points on the visa (i need the 20 points).Because it is for the visa I can do the general one which is easier than the academic. We had a fire at one of our houses so that needs renovating then hopefully will sell, just another problem to add to our list !!

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