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Job in the UK

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Hello guys,


After being in Perth for 6 weeks, ironically I got an offer from a top employer in my industry in the UK. I find the offer too good to resist and I would kill to have such an opportunity if I hadn't moved to Australia. I'm in a big dilemma now. In fact, I have some potential offers in Australia coming along as well, but they may not match the offer in the UK.


I would like to hear your views on why you think it's worthwhile for you to leave the stable and well paid job in the UK and come and live in Australia. Would you go for a better offer in the UK?



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I can understand why this is such a dilemma! I guess it depends what you personally want our of life, is it a balance of lifestyle with a good job in Oz, or, an out and out high profile, well paid, job

If its money based, beware, in my experience, the additional revenue is short lived, but thats just my opinion

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I guess I would ask myself why I came to Perth in the first place. I left a job I loved in the UK, where I had worked up through the ranks, and have come here and almost gone back to square one. But I accept that because life after work means more to me.

but I can see the other side of it,because I am miserable at work here and it's hard to take that home with you! I balance it out because the other side of my life is much better here.

what a difficult decision for you, all the best:)

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My other OH was offered a job with a lot more money in the uk which he took and we had a good live style out of it.Company went bust OH had to fight for money owing.He did get another job but a lot less money.Just never know when you job could come to a end.

Think like everyone is saying you need to way up the pros and cons.Perth does offer you the better out door life.

It is a hard decision to make.Let us all know what you decied good luck.

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if you are a permanent resident you can always go back in two years. If you aren't too settled in Perth yet (which I guess). So going back and move to Perth in two years is an option.


But like the others said, it really depends on what you want out of life. I got sn awesome business in the Netherlands, which gives me a lot of freedom and makes me enough money. However I will be going to Perth as our life besides working is more joyful in Perth. I hope to continue the business on a distance, but that's unsure. However I do know that work is an important factor in my life. So I'll have to work hard on making it as much fun as possible there as well.

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Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts! I'm not British :) although all my qualifcations are from the UK. The motivation to accept the offer in the UK is really not based on money, rather it is because it represents the highest achievement in my professional development and I believe the experience will go a long way in my future career development.


I just moved to Perth from a tiny country deemed as the Asian financial hub. Hmm, the reason for the move is that I want a more balanced life style. After working in the financial industry for years and dedicating all my time climbing corporate ladder, I started to wonder how much longer I can bear to live a life which only revolves around work and nothing else. Since I'm not getting any younger, I thought it's time for me to move to OZ to start a real life and embrace life's simple pleasures......


I'm holding an Australia permanent visa which will still remain valid even if I leave the country and work in the UK for two years. The employer in the UK will sponsor for my work permit in the UK, so visa is not part of my concern. Now the question is really whether I want to go back to the stressful and hectic life to further develop my career or stick to my original plan to have a better life in OZ with a less glamorous career.


I will keep you guys posted on whatever decision I make. Thanks again for your time and for sharing the valuable advice.

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