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Flights booked finally!


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My god, we are slow to get going in our gaff.

Finally booked our flights after being granted visa in FEB.


D day is 2nd September, come hell or high water, with jobs or no jobs we will be on a plane heading miles away.

Here's hoping our saving's hold out till the hubby lands a job, ( I cannot get a Nursing job now, as new rules, say I am only a pleby diploma nurse with 18 years experience, not at all peed off about that, as you can tell ) otherwise, Can anyone recommend a good park bench located in a good spot by the beach, preferably with BBQ located nearby, so we can feed the kids!


Count down begins, 9 weeks till shipping....and move out our place and we become official gypsy's!


Just need to hand in a few assignments before hand, Oh my day's, I am right royally screwed.


See you all on the other side. :nah:

Lauren x

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We are hoping to get our flights booked soon, just waiting on the missives being signed for the house sale and that will be us. We are hoping to be out in July too. Got our shipping booked for 2/3rd of June so getting organised.


Good luck with everything, we'll see you on the other side :jiggy:xx

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is your other half working @LoopyLauren once you get there ? And what are you going to do about diploma - degree are you wanting to nurse oiut there ?


Have to agree with degree business - i would say that my experience in cardiac paeds and banding etc surley is worth more that a newly qualified nurse with a degree ?!? hey ho , never mind ..... my degree should be complete november.


Anyhow good luck and ENJOY x



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is your other half working @LoopyLauren once you get there ? And what are you going to do about diploma - degree are you wanting to nurse oiut there ?


Have to agree with degree business - i would say that my experience in cardiac paeds and banding etc surley is worth more that a newly qualified nurse with a degree ?!? hey ho , never mind ..... my degree should be complete november.


Anyhow good luck and ENJOY x






We were too far down the visa process to give up when I heard the news re diploma and not enough time to start the top up... ( I was on mat leave with a 4 mth old) So we decided to still go for it and just see what happens ( but that is getting scary now, as we always said that if husband couldn't get work, i could be the main earner till he did, but that wont happen now of course!)

I am on one degree module now, so that will hopefully count once i get there?? Then I will have to top up i guess, at my own cost.


I have applied to APHRA anyhow, as I have been registered and worked in OZ before, in 1999-2000 ( so even more ludicrous if i can't work, as I already have and now I have 16 plus more years experience) so i thought i would give it a go. I am hoping that they may offer me a "bridging" course. That will certainly be the best case scenario.


Good luck on the rest of your degree.



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This is really exciting! I'm at this point too, need to book flights but I'm petrified!!!!!! Ha! How old are your kids? Where in Perth you headed? We may need to share that park bench!!!

oh and AHPRA don seem to know their ar$e from their elbow ;-)

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This is really exciting! I'm at this point too, need to book flights but I'm petrified!!!!!! Ha! How old are your kids? Where in Perth you headed? We may need to share that park bench!!!

oh and AHPRA don seem to know their ar$e from their elbow ;-)


Hiya @Bouncy, Kids are 3.5 yrs and 1 year currently.

No idea where we are headed. Got my eye on a short term holiday let, central, more for convienance for searching north and south for jobs and more permanent place to place.

Holidays lets are mega bucks thought, but i guess i have got to get used to that as the rental properties are the same. Our saving are not going to last long! scary ****.


I am hopeful re APHRA, but keeping realistic. I wouldn't mine learning to be a barista!


Took us ages to to book the flights, mainly me, putting it off, but i actually feel better, and wish we had done ages ago, we now have a date to work towards! DO it!



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im at this point too, need to book flights, im not sure where to stay for holiday let, need to start looking at those, then we will be looking for a rental in baldivis.

my mum says we don't have much time as only 16 weeks left until lauren would start senior school, I think all I have to do is arrange shipping (its all packed) / book flights / somewhere to stay and we are done.


is that much time ??


maybe I should be panicking, im actually quite scared now :-/

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@LoopyLauren, my kids are 2 and 4 and we are looking to come out end of August, my heads spinning with all the planning!! I'm looking for holiday lets but there's not much unless your a family of 8 with a hefty budget!! @jo and scott we have the same do list! Feels like a mountain to climb at the moment! Oh and I'm petrified ha!!! (Nervous laugh) ;-)

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@LoopyLauren, my kids are 2 and 4 and we are looking to come out end of August, my heads spinning with all the planning!! I'm looking for holiday lets but there's not much unless your a family of 8 with a hefty budget!! @jo and scott we have the same do list! Feels like a mountain to climb at the moment! Oh and I'm petrified ha!!! (Nervous laugh) ;-)


yes ditto to that @Bouncy, I have a spent a few days now looking at rentals and I agree, not much out there, unless you are 2 people or a larger group.

I think I have found a half decent place ( we are not that fussy, at all) not cheap by UK standards of course, but I need to get used, to the price, as that is what we will be paying, juts scary when your paying it and not earning! and no sign of when you will earn.

I even looked at hostels etc, would be so much easier if it was just us adults eh! We could even get a tent!


I am thinking of taking the plunge and booking the one, i have seen, as it is central and all the other reasonable ones are either way up north or way to the south, which is not an issue, if you know where you working etc, but i figure keeping central has got to be easier to look at longer term rentals and jobs. I don't think by keeping looking at the zillion websites will make any more pop up any cheaper.


I should be concentrating on my studying tat the mo, but OZ planning takes over!

i am feeling your pain with the mountain to climb. We are also trying to sell stuff and generally sort out stuff in the house, slow going with kids eh!

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im at this point too, need to book flights, im not sure where to stay for holiday let, need to start looking at those, then we will be looking for a rental in baldivis.

my mum says we don't have much time as only 16 weeks left until lauren would start senior school, I think all I have to do is arrange shipping (its all packed) / book flights / somewhere to stay and we are done.


is that much time ??


maybe I should be panicking, im actually quite scared now :-/


No need to panic @ Jo and scott , you have done the worst, rest easy, your way ahead of most of us!

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