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The Smiths have landed!


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Congratulations Laura we move in a week doing the exact same journey from Manchester with 2 kids under 4 so hoping it all goes as smoothly! Getting excited now! Thanks for posting x


Very similar here, Week on Wednesday we fly from Heathrow, 2 kids 7 and 3. I love reading the newbies in Perth and cant believe that I am almost there doing the same thing myself. Hope you continue to love it Laura. Cant wait to start my own story.........

All the best to everyone else in the same boat and those waiting to get there.

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We are currently in a lovely short term rental in kingsley but not sorted our next rental out yet...lots available but I'm being too picky! Day of open house viewings today!



I'm glad we aren't the only ones being picky!


We have been to plenty of houses but none have really been what we are looking for. We've found veiwing them a hard as my partner works 12 hour days so I have to go alone during the week and then spent all saturday at open houses.


Can't wait till we have our own place again.


KatieLou xx

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all!


not been on here in ages...far too busy with my wonderful job, gorgeous family and enjoying WA life! But wanted to touch base...


all is is great here...almost 6 months in and I can honestly say we've not felt homesick....everything feels natural! I think my job has played a major factor in helping me settle quickly...I love it and my colleagues are amazing. I feel very lucky!


we love our rental in Edgewater, our little boy loves day care and we've already made some fabulous friends. Our social lives are so much busier than in the UK - we just want to be out all the time exploring!


It it certainly doesn't feel like xmas with this heat but we are very excited about our first Aussie Christmas Day!


Hopefully i I can get on here a bit more often now and help out others yet to move like others helped us!


merry xmas!

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