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One week in lovely Perth since we landed......


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One week in……….

Well it is our turn.

It’s is funny, the week that has just gone, seems to have passed both quickly and slowly!

The flight certainly passed slowly. Travelling with young whipper snappers certainly takes it out of you. What an endurance test. I have flown long haul many times, but so different with a 1 and 4 year old.

Parents out there, I can’t actually believe that I bought a magazine to read on the plane and even more ridiculous, I even packed a book in my ridiculously already oversized hand luggage. Neither made it out of the overhead locker.

Anyway, we survived. The kids were very good, but the younger one was active, so we took turns lapping the plane and juggling him on our knees or standing in the isle so he could have out seat place to play.

I must just tell you all, within 5 mins of take off into the 12 hr plus first flight, the chap in front of my 4 year old turns round to me and states very nicely but clearly, “Just to let you know, that I am recovering from back surgery, I know you have your hands full, but I thought I would let you know” :mad:

Oh S—t, just what you don’t want to hear. This was said, I might add, when said 4 year, has not moved a muscle and is glued to the kids TV. I could not and did not relax. Poor little boy, the minute he flinched, I whispered “Sit still, don’t move”


So, Perth;

Well so far, we both love it. (other half never been to Oz)

We have had a real mix of weather, sun, mild, HOT, rain, wind. But mostly sun and very mild temps, so it’s just perfect. I can’t see my husband ever wearing a coat again! He barely wore one in the UK.

Day 1

Arrived, found holiday let. Pizza for tea with my brother and a friend that met us on arrival.

Day 2

Ventured out to do a food shop-

Day 3

Slept in late! Kids woke up at 11am!!!

BBQ at a friend’s.

Day 4

Park trip in the am- our first taste of real outside OZ, Sand in the park for ground cover. I love it for now, although the car if filling up fast as it falls off the kids.

Sim cards collected-

Day 5

CBD trip to collect bank cards- registered for medicare.

Kids fell in love with the square fountain next to the post office.

Day 6

CBD again to sort out APHRA registration-

MRSA swab at Royal Perth for Agency work requirement.

Kids get in fountain next to post office! Looking like proper brits abroad in their respective undies and nappies!

Day 7

Sought out more parks close to home so that hubby can job search in peace.

Popped to Westfield shopping centre to buy new toys for kids in an attempt to distract them so we can be more productive, like FIND A JOB OR A HOUSE!

Day 8

Bought a scanner- More food shopping.

Not achieved a lot,, especially when I look back at the week, wondering what I have been doing! Jet lagged I think, Or catching up from the chaos pre leaving perhaps.


I love the weather already, I love that the washing dry’s in no time at all and that I am not pegging it out, then in, then out, then in! I love that the roads are wide, the skies are big, the houses are big and spacious and It’s clean and tidy and organised. Folk are very helpful.

Something’s are more expensive, but we just need to more shopping savvy, some stuff is definitely cheaper by a long way though.

I am enjoying seeing and hearing new birds, parrots, new smells, new sights, new foods to try, I love that there is SUSHI everywhere and loads of oriental foods to dig into ( a strict diet may be required)

Bike lanes that work, beer fridges in the beer shop, foods seem to be supersized! Giant everything.

Well that will do for now. So far so good for us. xxx

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@LoopyLauren what a week- sounds fab :-)

onwards and upwards, pleased for you.


a quick couple of questions about ahpra- did you just go to the office and show them your details, what did they then do? what if you were not going to work for a while, is it just like here? as long as you keep up your payments and cpd you stay on the register?...

thanks in advance

bean x

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@LoopyLauren what a week- sounds fab :-)

onwards and upwards, pleased for you.


a quick couple of questions about ahpra- did you just go to the office and show them your details, what did they then do? what if you were not going to work for a while, is it just like here? as long as you keep up your payments and cpd you stay on the register?...

thanks in advance

bean x



I guess so, I hadn't thought that far to be honest ( a lot of other stuff happening).

It was very simple, presented at the desk ( I got a train from the city and then walked from the train station in Subiaco, my husband had the kids, I couldn't bare to put them in the car again as it was getting near nap times and that jazz, So i just nipped on a very efficent and super cheap train for 5 mins!)

I gave her my provisional letter of registration, and she presented my passport and i had to write out a Statutory declaration there and then, as my NMC letter that had been posted out direct to say that I was registered was more than 3 mths old. They just called a nurse from some office and she witnessed it and that was it. It was then emailed to me within a week i think.

Easiest part of the process so far.

In time i will look into the other stuff you mentioned.

Hope that helps.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Love your account of the flight! Glad you're enjoying it so far. We also have a 4 yr old (boy) and 1 yr old (girl) excited about the future for them here. Where abouts are you based? I still remember our first few weeks here, felt like we'd be here forever and no time at all. Enjoy your adventure and good luck on the house/job front x

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