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Halls Head primary schools- help!


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it's silly o'clock here in Perth and I can't sleep as have to decide on a rental tomorrow and I'm not sure about our school choice. My dilemma is that all along I have wanted South Halls Head school I have found a house in the catchment which I can definitely get and also have another potential one in Halls Head (Glencoe catchment). I went to see both schools yesterday and from what I saw my gut instinct told me Glencoe, nothing wrong with SHH and all seened great i just have a niggle thats telling mevit might not be right for my children. The issue I have though is that I may not get the house in Glencoe catchment but I can definitely have the one in SHH which is in Seascapes and I love that area as well. arrgghhhh!!!!!


My main concern is that the children are happy and in the school that's right for them, having pulled them out of a fab school in the uk where they had wonderful friends I need to make the right call. My daughter isn't very academic and so learning doesnt come particularly easy to her and I'm worried she might feel under pressure at SHH as have read that it's quite intense ? she's never had any additional support in her school in the uk but was always was towards the bottom half of the class in core subjects.


Appreciate any insight from any teachers or parents that might be reading this from SHH.


many thanks!


ps been here 10 days loving it apart from stress of making this decision- I need to do my week one update but can't think if anything else until I get the school sorted.

Edited by Derbygirl42
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What did you decide in the end - SHH or Glencoe?


These are the two schools I'm looking at for my children so interested in how you got on.


I did feel for you reading your post. I feel the same pressure in making sure I choose the right school. I keep saying if the children are happy then I'll be happy!


How old are your children?

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hi ya I went for SHH in the end as I'd secured the house in seascapes so it all made sense. I'd have been happy with any of the schools in Halls Head as they all seemed very god. I'm just crossing my fingers that's its the right choice for the children, we went again the following day and they both seemed happy so hope so. When are you coming out? I'll let you know how we get on.





What did you decide in the end - SHH or Glencoe?






These are the two schools I'm looking at for my children so interested in how you got on.


I did feel for you reading your post. I feel the same pressure in making sure I choose the right school. I keep saying if the children are happy then I'll be happy!


How old are your children?

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sorry my children are 6 and 10.

hi ya I went for SHH in the end as I'd secured the house in seascapes so it all made sense. I'd have been happy with any of the schools in Halls Head as they all seemed very god. I'm just crossing my fingers that's its the right choice for the children, we went again the following day and they both seemed happy so hope so. When are you coming out? I'll let you know how we get on.
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hi ya I went for SHH in the end as I'd secured the house in seascapes so it all made sense. I'd have been happy with any of the schools in Halls Head as they all seemed very god. I'm just crossing my fingers that's its the right choice for the children, we went again the following day and they both seemed happy so hope so. When are you coming out? I'll let you know how we get on.



We'll be arriving 1 December. My children are 9 & 10 and will be going into years 5 & 6 when the new term starts next year. When do your children start school? Would be very interested to hear how you get on so do let me know!

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Hey bouncy

assuming I can get a rental in the catchment my son will be starting pre primary at SHH in February too! Maybe they'll be in the same class :-)


Hi @Monkey2645 that would be fab!! Let me know how you get on, we could meet up, would be great for the kids to make friends before they start! Fingers crossed for you!! It's a great area and school, everyone's been so helpful and friendly so far! Xxx

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