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Planning our move to Mandurah

Emily Jamie Page

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Hey guys!


my family and I are in beginning stages of planning our move from uk to mandurah region. Are there any poms in mandurah? We gave oz a go back in 2012, but we moved to a rural area and really struggled to settle. At the time we couldn't afford to move any where else so decided to come back to uk. We can now afford to move nearer the city and have chosen mandurah. I'm so excited and am hoping to be out within 12-18mths.

My hubby and children are australian, so it's only me that needs the visa.


Hopefully see you all soon!

Emily xxx

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Hey there Mike! Thanks ever so much for your reply. What is it like to live in Mandurah? I lived in Moora back in 2012, which is a town 2 hrs north of Perth. It was very isolated, so we didn't settle well. Hence we left, but our circumstances have changed and can now afford to go nearer the city. It will be great to meet up once we finally arrive. Hopefully looking at 12-18 mths, just all dependent on my visa.

my hubby is Jamie 35, myself Emily 32 and our two children who are 8 and 6, girl and boy.

can I ask, do you have any experience with obtaining a mortgage? Or do you know of a good mortgage broker we could contact? That would be great.


Emily :-)

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I don't live in Mandurah, but am there quite often, as I live between Rockingham and Mandurah.


Love Mandurah, it has a lot going for it.


Lots of poms love there, it even has its own pommy sweetie shop lol. Plus check out cafe 58, for a nice brekkie or lunch. Its owned by a couple of lovely poms.


There is a big pom meet up scene there, check out Mandurah poms on FB, something going on every week.


Downside to Mandurah would be if you need to travel the Kwinnna freeway for work, it does get v busy. If you can take the train, then its much better.


All the best in your move x

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Thank you for your reply fifi69. That all sounds great. That's what we missed when we tried oz in 2012. We were just so far from what we enjoyed to do. I really feel good about our decision to try again. Just can't wait to get out there. My hubby and kids could move tomorrow, lucky devils being australian! I have to wait for visa lol. X

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Thank you for your reply fifi69. That all sounds great. That's what we missed when we tried oz in 2012. We were just so far from what we enjoyed to do. I really feel good about our decision to try again. Just can't wait to get out there. My hubby and kids could move tomorrow, lucky devils being australian! I have to wait for visa lol. X


Aw...hope you don't have to wait to long for your visa.


Aus is a wide and vast country for sure, and after doing some travelling to different places here.... It def beats a lot, and is more in common with what us poms are looking for.


Ive still got a lot of exploring to do though, some other places tick boxes on paper, but in my eyes, Perth is not a bad place :cool:

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We're moving to Mandurah in November. Reverse situation - the kids and I are Aussie and hubby needs to wait for visa, so I'm going on ahead so our oldest can start school from the beginning. Can't say whether we'll like it for sure but it definitely ticks plenty of boxes on paper - very excited for it.

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What is the job situation like in mandurah and surrounding at the moment? When we went to Moora I was employed within 3 weeks of landing, and was offered 3 different jobs. So that was really good, I'm hoping the same will happen again lol x ps we are not professionals so would be looking for anything and everything! Bar work, retail, warehouse that sort of thing :-)

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We're moving to Mandurah in November. Reverse situation - the kids and I are Aussie and hubby needs to wait for visa, so I'm going on ahead so our oldest can start school from the beginning. Can't say whether we'll like it for sure but it definitely ticks plenty of boxes on paper - very excited for it.


Snap, me and the kids are Aussie, had to wait for hubbys visa before we could come. What's the wait time now for the visa, it was 9 months when we applied.


We've been here almost 18 months now and man has it flown! We're in Halls Head and it's a lovely area, very family friendly. To the original poster I can assure you that there are poms everywhere! (but not too many that you feel like you may as well have stayed in the UK). Our kids are at South Halls Head PS and we really like it. If I remember rightly there are a few on here who's kids will be starting pre-primary there next year, so might be in the same class as our daughter :cute:

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Snap, me and the kids are Aussie, had to wait for hubbys visa before we could come. What's the wait time now for the visa, it was 9 months when we applied.


We've been here almost 18 months now and man has it flown! We're in Halls Head and it's a lovely area, very family friendly. To the original poster I can assure you that there are poms everywhere! (but not too many that you feel like you may as well have stayed in the UK). Our kids are at South Halls Head PS and we really like it. If I remember rightly there are a few on here who's kids will be starting pre-primary there next year, so might be in the same class as our daughter :cute:



hey there happy little Vegemite! (Love the name :-)


visa time is 10-14 mths now. Which is great for us, as that's the time scale I want/need lol.

everyone has great reports about halls head, so think we are gonna try to get there. For us it all depends where our jobs are, as we'll be coming with no jobs. Never had a problem when I lived in moora 3 yrs ago, so fingers crossed we are lucky again!

What is the job situation like? Looking on internet at the moment, seems to be a few around. We don't have trades, so would be shop jobs etc that sort of thing. Hubby at mo works in a warehouse. We can put our hand to most things.


thanks for the reply

Emily x :-)

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Thanks for reply monkey2645. Do u mind me asking what schools your children will be attending. My eldest daughter went to a government school in moora when we were there, which was good.

Em :-)


hopefully south halls head primary. Looking at mandurah catholic college for secondary - it's a long way in the future but seems our best option on paper.

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Snap, me and the kids are Aussie, had to wait for hubbys visa before we could come. What's the wait time now for the visa, it was 9 months when we applied.


We've been here almost 18 months now and man has it flown! We're in Halls Head and it's a lovely area, very family friendly. To the original poster I can assure you that there are poms everywhere! (but not too many that you feel like you may as well have stayed in the UK). Our kids are at South Halls Head PS and we really like it. If I remember rightly there are a few on here who's kids will be starting pre-primary there next year, so might be in the same class as our daughter :cute:


They were saying 6-8 months when we applied end May. Haven't heard a thing yet so hoping to get *something* from them soon as police/medical stuff still needs to be done when they ask. That's for offshore - I know onshore apps have a longer lead time

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hopefully south halls head primary. Looking at mandurah catholic college for secondary - it's a long way in the future but seems our best option on paper.


yea I think that's where I want to end up, really just job dependent tho. we are not planning on going until my visa through, so prob 18 mths time really...a lot can happen til then lol x

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Hi and welcome. We live in Lakelands which is the most northern suburb of Mandurah. We have brand shiny new primary school just built which opened last February. The parents whose children go there are happy with it so far. A High School is due to go in , in the next few years and we have a shopping centre, restaurant and pub due for completion in 2017.

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If you missed being close to the city last time be careful choosing mandurah. It's still a long way from the city (over 70km) and the train station is nowhere near the town centre. Not saying it isn't a nice place but it's not somewhere you'll be popping into Perth from. It's like thinking you're in Leeds when you're actually in Hull

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If you missed being close to the city last time be careful choosing mandurah. It's still a long way from the city (over 70km) and the train station is nowhere near the town centre. Not saying it isn't a nice place but it's not somewhere you'll be popping into Perth from. It's like thinking you're in Leeds when you're actually in Hull


The difference is though, it is only 50 minutes and $12 on the train

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It does have a shopping centre but it isn't nearly as big as Joondalup. Apparently it's going to be upgraded and expanded in the next couple of years. It has everything you'll need though and if you want Zara, Topshop and some of the other major shops you can hop on the train to Perth. Mandurah is a lot busier than where you were before. I'm not sure where you are in the UK but Mandurah is probably more like somewhere like Worcester whereas Perth is Birmingham (not literally but hope you get my drift)

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