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Sydney to Perth help!


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Hi all, new to this group and hoping for help and advice!

we have just moved from UK to Sydney as that was were husbands job was going to be. I did all my research for Sydney re areas and schools etc and have a job lined up myself! However, my husband has been told he is needed in Perth now. We are a bit shocked to say the least but as the reality is settling in, I'm worrying now about areas and schools etc! And what Perth is like?! Up to now I love Sydney but obviously too soon and still in holiday mode. Ideally, we would like a nice, modern home in a modern area, with obviously good schools!!!! Not asking much am I:) My boys are 14,12 and 9 so I assume 2 in senior and one primary?

I have looked at John wallaston? Just bcos it isn't too expensive and does the IB. However, know nothing about that area!! I'm not that bothered about private or IB and happy for very good public also.

ive read a lot about Mandura (?) as well, but again know nothing about good areas of Perth so need all the help I can get please. I am a midwife and husband is an engineer so decent salaries ( I hope)

thanks in advance for any responses!! Xxx

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Whereabouts will your husband be based for work? We're heading to Mandurah - it's about 75km from Perth and, I understand, doable for commuting to the city using the train - but if your husband's an engineer I'm guessing he'll need to use a car for visits. We have already determined that if my husband ends up getting a job somewhere NOR we probably won't be able to stay in Mandurah

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Hi and welcome to the forum.


we were exactly the same as you. In 2008 we moved to Sydney for my work and six months later had to move to Perth. We moved to Mandurah.


Perth is a nice city and a lot more relaxed / laid back than Sydney. It has lots of different suburbs that depend on what you want and of course budget.


Mandurah is a city south of Perth and is very pretty and much more affordable than Perth. It allows people to live next to the beach who could not afford to in Perth. It is connected to Perth by train which takes 50 minutes and so many people commute from Mandurah to Perth.


I can not help with schools as we don't have children. But, I am sure there are some good schools.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.


we were exactly the same as you. In 2008 we moved to Sydney for my work and six months later had to move to Perth. We moved to Mandurah.


Perth is a nice city and a lot more relaxed / laid back than Sydney. It has lots of different suburbs that depend on what you want and of course budget.


Mandurah is a city south of Perth and is very pretty and much more affordable than Perth. It allows people to live next to the beach who could not afford to in Perth. It is connected to Perth by train which takes 50 minutes and so many people commute from Mandurah to Perth.


I can not help with schools as we don't have children. But, I am sure there are some good schools.[/quote

Hi, thanks for replies. I think he willb based west of CBD. I want a nice modern area with good schools. Mandurah sounds fab! I'll have a look xxxx

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