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Vehicle insurance


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Hi, could anybody tell me a little about insuring a vehicle when I come to WA. Where is a good place to start. I will probably need fully comp. Will I need to bring any documentation from the Uk. I am 54 and have only 3 years no claims at the moment. I have a full WA car and bike license but would appreciate infor of insurance companies to get in touch with.

Also what is a reasonable fee to pay for Fully comp. insurance so I have some idea what I will be charged.

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Like the UK, might be best to check comparison sites??


I used a push bike for the first six months here lol.


then bought a v cheap runaround which I used for just over a year and just used the ctp insurance you got with the rego. I believe things may have changed though on that.


last year I bought a brand new SUV, for the first year my comp ins was $300, that was with Allianz, this year upon checking, the best deal was with Sgio, cost me $150 for the year fully comp. had to laugh when they asked if I wanted to pay in instalments, that's the equiv of paying £70 back in the UK. Pushed the boat out and paid it all upfront:cool:.



I Didnt have to provide any proof of no claims.


You may find better deals, but at the time I worked in a accident repair shop, so knew what insurance companies to avoid, those that take ages on claims, some only have phone lines open eastern state times (which at the mo is 3 hours ahead, so after 2pm WA time, you can't get hold of them). I always know which companies have the nice insurance assessors:rolleyes:

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