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Bankrupcty in the UK


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Hi @swifty89 Lorna,

Please don't worry you will all be fine as bankruptcy is not a criminal offence. The only time it would affect you would be if you were applying for a business visa.


For a business visa, the DIAC policy states;


In any assessment of the applicant’s business career, the performance of businesses in which the applicant has had a management role is a relevant factor.


Under policy, this criterion generally should not be considered satisfied if:


the applicant has been declared bankrupt in the last 5 years or

the applicant is (or has been) actively involved in a business that is (or has been) subject to insolvency, receivership or liquidation or

the business has suffered recent trading losses and the business is considered unlikely to be successful in the longer term and this can be attributed to the applicant’s role and decision making in the business. (That is, it is not intended that an applicant fail this criterion if the business is likely to be successful in the longer term despite trading losses resulting from external factors such as those listed above).

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Hi Ktee,


Thank you for this information. Will it not affect renting over there to or getting a mortgage?

As @verystormy has mentioned your UK credit rating has no affect at all over here. I've known people on the sister forum leave thousands of pounds of debt, one member left just under £100,000 of debt and still managed to secure a mortgage, credit cards etc over here.

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We had a pretty shocking credit rating prior to moving. I had been made redundant and my wife became very ill and couldn't work for a long time. As a result we got as far as a suspended repossion order on our home. But, didn't mean a thing in oz. thankfully. Now have credit cards and a very good mortgage deal.

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Thank you everyone for your comments. Least I know I'll be ok in Aus.


Just hope everything gets sorted now and we can live our new life in Perth :)


My worry is regarding your other posts and if you will have enough funds available to you when you move.

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Wow, how do you know that after reading a few posts on o forum. Can you let me know what my financial position is after reading a few of my posts, there's a six pack in it for you!
Well if they have funds to keep them here then they are not bankrupt. I thought bankruptcy was a last resort when you didnt have any money to pay debts, not because you werekeeping it to use when you emigrate! Lets all do that
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Well if they have funds to keep them here then they are not bankrupt. I thought bankruptcy was a last resort when you didnt have any money to pay debts, not because you werekeeping it to use when you emigrate! Lets all do that


You know nothing of their financial plight yet you feel you have the right to take the moral high ground. Maybe you could ask a few questions to get some background information before making your mind up about someone. Or you could just offer some useful information and keep your opinion to yourself.

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We were actually informed, albeit in a tongue in cheek way, to go all out on our credit cards etc before we leave UK, by the bank that we have opened our Oz accounts with :-) We haven't taken that advice!


We met a couple of families that did exactly that !!! left the UK with a small fortune !!!

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We met a couple of families that did exactly that !!! left the UK with a small fortune !!!


I have seen it as well. But, I have seen at least a couple later have to return to the UK to live and then there is one big mess. It is also potentially illegal as taking credit with the intention of not paying back is fraud. This then opens up the possibility of an arrest warrant and even deportation.

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