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Age starting school???


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Hi I've read a few other people's threads on this subject(in the quest to get my head around it!), and have also looked on WA Education's website....... We are due to move to Perth next June and have a 5yr old & a 2 yr old.

i understand the cut off date fir the school year is different over there (end of June instead of end of August), but I just want to clarify I understand this right -


my my little boy will be 6 in July, so am I right in thinking he'll be slotted into a pre-primary class, as it'll be half way through the school year when we move? Is pre-primary the equivalent of Reception in the UK?


also, my little girl turns 3 in April, and I have read that children will start school (Kindergarten) in the year they turn 4, providing they turn 4 before the 30th June..... So as she'll turn 4 in April 2017, will she start school in January 2017, aged 3yrs 9months?

Is kindergarten equivalent to the 15 free hours you can get for a 3 year old back in the UK? And as such is it just part time in Oz, or full time?

Some clarification for my confused head would be very much appreciated!!


Thank you

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Hi I've read a few other people's threads on this subject(in the quest to get my head around it!), and have also looked on WA Education's website....... We are due to move to Perth next June and have a 5yr old & a 2 yr old.

i understand the cut off date fir the school year is different over there (end of June instead of end of August), but I just want to clarify I understand this right -


my my little boy will be 6 in July, so am I right in thinking he'll be slotted into a pre-primary class, as it'll be half way through the school year when we move? Is pre-primary the equivalent of Reception in the UK?


also, my little girl turns 3 in April, and I have read that children will start school (Kindergarten) in the year they turn 4, providing they turn 4 before the 30th June..... So as she'll turn 4 in April 2017, will she start school in January 2017, aged 3yrs 9months?

Is kindergarten equivalent to the 15 free hours you can get for a 3 year old back in the UK? And as such is it just part time in Oz, or full time?

Some clarification for my confused head would be very much appreciated!!


Thank you


Yes you are right your eldest will be in Pre Primary. This is the first year of compulsory schooling so I guess it would be equivalent to Reception. Your youngest will be in Kindy in 2017. Kindy is part time and usually equivalent to 2.5 days per week if I recall correctly (my kids are older and I've forgotten). Some schools do full days, some half days. My kids never did the 15 free hours as we'd left UK by then but I would imagine it's similar.

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Yes you are right your eldest will be in Pre Primary. This is the first year of compulsory schooling so I guess it would be equivalent to Reception. Your youngest will be in Kindy in 2017. Kindy is part time and usually equivalent to 2.5 days per week if I recall correctly (my kids are older and I've forgotten). Some schools do full days, some half days. My kids never did the 15 free hours as we'd left UK by then but I would imagine it's similar.




As Arwen says, yes your oldest will be in Pre-Primary, and this is the equivalent year level to reception and your youngest will start Kindy in the January. Kindy is 2.5 days a week but many schools / Kindys do it on a 2 days one week and 3 the next basis to avoid half days, some kindys do it with the half day (I believe!). And yes it is similar to the 15 hours free that you get in the UK and not compulsory.


There has been a bit of a downward shift in many schools recently on the expectations on the lower years and it will be very school dependent but I found that the expectations for Kindy were way above what they were for nursery in the UK and similarly for pre-primary and reception. As I say this will be very school dependent and people from different schools / areas will all have different experiences.


Hope that helps!

Edited by Walkabout
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