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Safety in perth


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You have to be kidding.


I live in Mandurah. Our police are now based in Rockingham. From me to them is about an hour.


Outside of the CBD foot patrols are a complete unknown. I have never seen one in 8 years here.


Traffic cops are purerly there to investigate crashes. I have spent a lot of time going up and down the main freeway (motorway) between the city and the south. I can count on my fingers the amount of time I have seen a cop.


Then, try getting them to come out when needed. So impossible I have told them don't bother anymore coming to my suburb as they are a waste of space.


Even the odd thing they do they make a total pigs ear of. Here, one of the main means of trying to deal with drink driving - something that is endemic - is to put a road block up and park a booze bus. Basically a bus with mobile testing. Now, near where I live, there is one major and very busy pub. Most of the people who go to it, are going to, by nature of the geography, travel from the north. So where do they every time put the bus. Yep, to the south. Laughable.


We we had the takeaway places and petrol stations repeatedly robbed at gun point last year - some were being done weekly. The police promised to increase patrols. In reality this meant an increase from zero to once a month - during the day!!!!


then let's not even start on the endemic corruption they have been found guilty of repeatedly.




You come under Team 3 in Mandurah? Why did you say you come under Rockingham? We come under team 2 in Mandurah according to their website.

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If you don't know where your 8-12 year olds are then there is something wrong, even not knowing where a 13 or 14 year old is seems worrying.


I agree with the younger kids but once a kid hits 14 or so you might know where they are, assuming they tell you the truth of course but you don't always know what they are doing.

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Guest Guest6235

True but maybe 15 or 16. It's the parents that don't tell their children off for doing something wrong which annoys me. This could be in social hours or at school. So many parents think the sun shines out of their darlings and the first point of call is to blame society, teachers, the school or anyone except their child(ren) etc . My wife used to see it at her school on parents evenings in England. It was oooh my child isn't like that etc and blame everyone but.

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True but maybe 15 or 16. It's the parents that don't tell their children off for doing something wrong which annoys me. This could be in social hours or at school. So many parents think the sun shines out of their darlings and the first point of call is to blame society, teachers, the school or anyone except their child(ren) etc . My wife used to see it at her school on parents evenings in England. It was oooh my child isn't like that etc and blame everyone but.


I agree but on the other hand people are always quick to blame the parents. I am a good parent from a good family. My eldest got in with the wrong crowd at 14 and all hell broke loose for 2 years. It wasn't my fault. I am 4ft 11, how am I meant to stop a 5ft 6 young woman from leaving the house. It's all good now but it isn't always the parents fault either.

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I agree but on the other hand people are always quick to blame the parents. I am a good parent from a good family. My eldest got in with the wrong crowd at 14 and all hell broke loose for 2 years. It wasn't my fault. I am 4ft 11, how am I meant to stop a 5ft 6 young woman from leaving the house. It's all good now but it isn't always the parents fault either.


Had a friend in similar circumstances with her son - all came good in the end, but it was a terrible 12 months for her and her hubby

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Guest Guest6235
I agree but on the other hand people are always quick to blame the parents. I am a good parent from a good family. My eldest got in with the wrong crowd at 14 and all hell broke loose for 2 years. It wasn't my fault. I am 4ft 11, how am I meant to stop a 5ft 6 young woman from leaving the house. It's all good now but it isn't always the parents fault either.

Yes good point Arwen. Glad things are better now for you both.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Guest6235

Where do we start......A lady sexually assaulted, a man stabbed to death, a machete found close to where man was killed but not related to the incident, man assaulted by a group in Freo, a girl beaten up by other girls on the street.....all in a couple of days. On top of that we went to the Strayla day celebrations on Tuesday, we went to catch the train at Joondalup at 11am and spread around the top above the platform there were around 8 aboriginal looking lads all shouting and pointing at us. We went to catch the lift and one of them came right up behind us, he was either drunk or high. I turned to my wife and said 'do you want to go back to the shopping centre as we forgot to look for trainers' (obviously just a tactic to avoid any trouble in the lift). When we walked away he followed and then went back to where he was stood before. When we were on the train I heard two blokes swearing their heads off behind us, I looked round and it was the character from above the platform and some other guy. Needless to say the rest of the train trip was very uncomfortable. I then saw him in the city later joining the other aboriginals in some of the shop doorways. The rest of the day in Langley pk was also a bit edgy as I saw a couple of aboriginals arguing and just generally hanging around menacingly.

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I sometimes wonder whether you and I live in the same city, Keefo? My family and I drove into the city, parked Central Park ($5 all day Oz day special, usually $ 55) walked around CBD then into Langley Park. Spent the whole day there with lots of friends enjoying the Air show , entertainment, free rides and activities, the most superb fireworks you could ever imagine. Not once did I see any trouble or even these menacing aboriginals you speak of! I was there from 1- 11.00pm with families of all ages and everyone in our party had a fantastic time, not one of them had any complaint, many were overseas visitors and could not believe that the city put on such a fantastic show for Australia Day! It made me proud to live in such a beautiful city, so to read your negativity because a fight broke out at 4.00am in the morning saddens me! I would not think twice about walking around the CBD at midnight here, either alone or with my children, something I wouldn't have done in Birmingham! Yes, occasionally there is a sexual assault, robbery, even an occasional murder but to come away from a wonderful day such as Tuesday with nothing but negativity makes me wonder why you are still here?

So to answer your question, where do I start? Maybe with something positive about beautiful Perth before you hit us with your version of doom and gloom! How about well done City of Perth for putting on a fantastic show! Looking forward to 2017 already!

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I sometimes wonder whether you and I live in the same city, Keefo? My family and I drove into the city, parked Central Park ($5 all day Oz day special, usually $ 55) walked around CBD then into Langley Park. Spent the whole day there with lots of friends enjoying the Air show , entertainment, free rides and activities, the most superb fireworks you could ever imagine. Not once did I see any trouble or even these menacing aboriginals you speak of! I was there from 1- 11.00pm with families of all ages and everyone in our party had a fantastic time, not one of them had any complaint, many were overseas visitors and could not believe that the city put on such a fantastic show for Australia Day! It made me proud to live in such a beautiful city, so to read your negativity because a fight broke out at 4.00am in the morning saddens me! I would not think twice about walking around the CBD at midnight here, either alone or with my children, something I wouldn't have done in Birmingham! Yes, occasionally there is a sexual assault, robbery, even an occasional murder but to come away from a wonderful day such as Tuesday with nothing but negativity makes me wonder why you are still here?

So to answer your question, where do I start? Maybe with something positive about beautiful Perth before you hit us with your version of doom and gloom! How about well done City of Perth for putting on a fantastic show! Looking forward to 2017 already!



Defo will have to go next year.Had made arrangements or we would of joined you.

Things happen no matter where you live.

You need to enjoy life you only get one chance.

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Guest Guest6235
I sometimes wonder whether you and I live in the same city, Keefo? My family and I drove into the city, parked Central Park ($5 all day Oz day special, usually $ 55) walked around CBD then into Langley Park. Spent the whole day there with lots of friends enjoying the Air show , entertainment, free rides and activities, the most superb fireworks you could ever imagine. Not once did I see any trouble or even these menacing aboriginals you speak of! I was there from 1- 11.00pm with families of all ages and everyone in our party had a fantastic time, not one of them had any complaint, many were overseas visitors and could not believe that the city put on such a fantastic show for Australia Day! It made me proud to live in such a beautiful city, so to read your negativity because a fight broke out at 4.00am in the morning saddens me! I would not think twice about walking around the CBD at midnight here, either alone or with my children, something I wouldn't have done in Birmingham! Yes, occasionally there is a sexual assault, robbery, even an occasional murder but to come away from a wonderful day such as Tuesday with nothing but negativity makes me wonder why you are still here?

So to answer your question, where do I start? Maybe with something positive about beautiful Perth before you hit us with your version of doom and gloom! How about well done City of Perth for putting on a fantastic show! Looking forward to 2017 already!

Yes I wonder too Shirleyt..... It was very worrying the incident in the train station at Joondalup for a start.....how weird to see all those lads scattered around looking high of their t*ts or drunk then pointing towards us then one of them follows us to the lift and then doesn't use it when we walk away!!!! Strange indeed, we believe we made the correct decision for the 3 of us. Another family we spoke to down on the platform itself mentioned them, it seemed all a bit out of place. Yes trouble did happen at the show Shirley.....coming home on the train a young girl was on about arrests she saw so her Dad was telling people, not sure what the incident was but she was upset. I wouldn't like to think of my wife walking through the city alone at midnight, why put yourself in that position.


Just to add to your post Shirley as we never really see you on here......I do post many positives about our days out but you must miss that and as you only come on for your anual posts about 'Strayla day'.

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No crime was actually committed at the station then? Is it possible to accept, you may have an unhealthy obsession with the perception of crime? Most of your posts either mention anti- social behaviour and break- ins!

No, I don't post on here that regularly but I have regular meet ups with quite a few members and I'm a regular reader! I'm just generally too busy out enjoying what this beautiful city has to offer! I'm off in a little while to the opening of Elizabeth Quay, which no doubt will have thousands of people and no doubt an arrest or two! My husband has no problem or nightmares ( of which you must have) of me wondering around the CBD on a night out because he knows as a police women's daughter, I'm more than capable of looking after myself.

I don't want to get into a row with you Keefo, I just want to add some balance to your post as people reading this in England must think we live in The Bronx!

Edited by Shirleyt
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Guest Guest6235
Defo will have to go next year.Had made arrangements or we would of joined you.

Things happen no matter where you live.

You need to enjoy life you only get one chance.

You're right there Deb.....from Hillarys to Butler no matter where.

Yes only live once, hence the reason we didn't get in the lift.......as it may have been a different story.

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Guest Guest6235
No crime was actually committed at the station then? Is it possible to accept, you may have an unhealthy obsession with the perception of crime? Most of your posts either mention anti- social behaviour and break- ins!

No, I don't post on here that regularly but I have regular meet ups with quite a few members and I'm a regular reader! I'm just generally too busy out enjoying what this beautiful city has to offer! I'm off in a little while to the opening of Elizabeth Quay, which no doubt will have thousands of people and no doubt an arrest or two! My husband has no problem or nightmares ( of which you must have) of me wondering around the CBD on a night out because he knows as a police women's daughter, I'm more than capable of looking after myself.

I don't want to get into a row with you Keefo, I just want to add some balance to your post as people reading this in England must think we live in The Bronx!

I share a lot of the police posts on FB from twitter etc and people from village where we lived do wonder where we've moved to.

My wife isn't a policemans daughter!!!!

If it was just me at station i would have got in lift but with wife,daughter and a drugged or drunk strange bloke/lad it wasn't a good situation. ... you had to be there to see the way they were acting.


You won't offend me by arguing Shirley, doesn't bother me. You're entitled to your views on an open forum whether we agree or not.

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Guest Guest6235
Hey guys remember " Fear is a prison"


……… enjoy the sun x

Lol.....like it, wonder what being sensible and wise is.......don't forget the parks and abundance of sand.

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I share a lot of the police posts on FB from twitter etc and people from village where we lived do wonder where we've moved to.

My wife isn't a policemans daughter!!!!

If it was just me at station i would have got in lift but with wife,daughter and a drugged or drunk strange bloke/lad it wasn't a good situation. ... you had to be there to see the way they were acting.


You won't offend me by arguing Shirley, doesn't bother me. You're entitled to your views on an open forum whether we agree or not.


I think is where you are struggling. You came from a village (as did I) and are under the illusion that because it was 25 minutes from a City as is your current suburb then somehow they are comparable. Perth is a City of 1.5m people roughly from top to bottom. I lived 15 minutes from Peterborough. I cannot compare the crime of my village to the crime in my suburb. They are just not comparable.

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I think is where you are struggling. You came from a village (as did I) and are under the illusion that because it was 25 minutes from a City as is your current suburb then somehow they are comparable. Perth is a City of 1.5m people roughly from top to bottom. I lived 15 minutes from Peterborough. I cannot compare the crime of my village to the crime in my suburb. They are just not comparable.

So true, the structure of Perth is completely opposite most major cities in the uk! Here, I live 10 minutes from the CBD but I wouldn't dream of living 10 minutes from the centre of Birmingham!

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